Why do some organisms reproduce asexually?


Answer 1
Answer: the object to life is to reproduce. after that nature really doesnt care what happens to you. so if you can reproduce hundreds of thousands of times over a month. Without much effort either. would you.

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Why would scientists want to monitor the migration habits of red-winged blackbirds in MA?



Blackbird and Oriole : Varieties of swamps, shrubs, swamps, and dry grasses; foraging in arable land and water. The species is most commonly found in freshwater marshes, but in wooded or bushy marshes, weed fields, hay fields, and salt marshes also have levels on the upper edge. Usually foraging in other open habitats, such as fields and tidal flats; outside the breeding season, flocks of chickens gather in farmlands, pastures and feedlots.

Among the birds we are most familiar with, the red wings seem to sing nasal sounds on every swamp and wetland from coast to coast. They are particularly bold, and a few often attack larger birds, such as eagles or crows, and they fly over their nesting areas. When singing, the male's red shoulder patches are hidden under the body feathers most of the time, which is very beautiful. Outside the nesting season, red wings sometimes live in large areas.

That's why. Hope it helps.

Final answer:

Scientists monitor the migration habits of red-winged blackbirds in MA for reasons related to conservation, ecosystem dynamics, and tracking the effects of climate change.


Scientists would want to monitor the migration habits of red-winged blackbirds in Massachusetts for several reasons:

  1. Conservation: Monitoring migration habits helps scientists understand the patterns and behaviors of red-winged blackbirds, which can contribute to their conservation efforts.
  2. Ecosystem dynamics: Red-winged blackbirds play important roles in the ecosystem, and studying their migration habits can provide insight into the health of ecosystems and the impacts of environmental changes.
  3. Climate change: Studying the migration habits of red-winged blackbirds can help scientists track the effects of climate change, such as shifts in timing and routes of migration.

Learn more about migration habits of red-winged blackbirds here:



What are the functions of the smooth and rough E.R.s


The endomembrane system is a group of cell membranes and organelles that are mutually interconnected, either by being directly continuous with one another or by sending one another vesicles—little spheres of membrane then can bud off from one membrane and fuse with another. 

The rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) gets its name from the bumpy ribosomes attached to its cytoplasmic surface. As the ribosomes attached to the rough ER make proteins, they feed the newly forming protein chains into the lumen.

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER) does not have ribosomes on its cytoplasmic face.The smooth ER has a variety of functions, and its exact role may vary between cell types.

One role of the smooth ER is to produce lipids, including phospholipids, cholesterol, and steroids.


The endomembrane system is a group of cell membranes and organelles that are mutually interconnected, either by being directly continuous with one another or by sending one another vesicles—little spheres of membrane then can bud off from one membrane and fuse with another. 

Read more on Brainly.com - brainly.com/question/1859844#readmore


Name the nutrient cycle where atmosphere acts as the main reservoir



Nitrogen Cycle.


Nitrogen is the gas which is 78% present in the atmosphere. The second most abundant is oxygen which consists of 21% of the atmosphere. All other gases are present less than 1%.

So the correct answer is 'Nitrogen cycle'.

Pls mark me as brainlist...

Final answer:

The Carbon Cycle and the Nitrogen Cycle are the nutrient cycles where the atmosphere acts as the main reservoir.


The nutrient cycle where the atmosphere acts as the main reservoir is the Carbon Cycle. Through a process known as photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into organic material. When these plants are consumed by animals, the carbon is transferred. Finally, through respiration, decomposition, and combustion, the carbon is released back into the atmosphere, completing the cycle. Nitrogen Cycle is another cycle where atmosphere is the main reservoir. Around 78% of the atmosphere is nitrogen, and through the process of nitrogen fixation, bacteria can convert this atmospheric nitrogen into forms usable by plants.

Learn more about Nutrient Cycles here:



Like logistic growth, exponential growth A. reaches its carrying capacity over time. B. can be plotted in the shape of an S curve. C. exhibits a period of rapid growth as the population size increases. D. is slowed by limiting factors.


The answer is C. exhibits a period of rapid growth as the population size increases. 
Logistic growth and exponential growth are types of population growth. Both types exhibit a period of rapid growth as the population size increases. But, there are some differences between these two types. Population with logistic growth reaches its carrying capacity over time, but exponential growth do not. Logistic growth can be plotted in the shape of an S-curve, and exponential growth can be plotted in the shape of an J curve. Also, logistic growth is slowed by limiting factors. When there are no limiting factors, population exhibits exponential growth.