What are some ways the American Revo|ution affected women?


Answer 1
Answer: as men went off  war it let woman   to fill    the jobs   typically   fulfilled   by men

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Assuming that this is referring to the same list of options that was posted before with this question, the correct response would be "limited government," since the primarily motivation for the Founding Fathers was to ensure that a tyrannical regime would not be able to form. 

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 I believe the answer is amendments,state constitutions,conferred by treaty, and enacted legislatively through Congress,state legislatures, and state referenda and citizen's initiatives.

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Among the successes of the U.N. are the maintenance of peace.  Despite the eruption of conflict, it still manages to preserve the universal peace wherein it would not lead to a full scale global conflict.  It has provided many humanitarian missions around the world.  It has also apprehended war criminals and tried them for crimes against humanity. It has provided food for areas where people are starving due to lack of food.  It also has its share of failures such preventing the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Bosnia and Rwanda.  There was the oil for food scandal where food was provided and paid in cash but it went to the hands of private individuals.    It is more successful in humanitarian missions because it has the support of the countries concerned as well as the international community.  It has difficulty in military security because it cannot intervene through military might.because it would be pulled into the conflict.

How do you think these women pursued their goal of votes for women?


they rioted , had strikes , & stood up for themselves.

What outcome of the industrial revolution led to the age of imperialism?



The result of the industrial revolution that led to the era of imperialism was the capitalist mode of production.


Imperialism represents the upper phase of capitalism and is the result of the Second Industrial Revolution.

With the growth of production and investment, during the industrial revolution, a process of expansion of production to other regions was initiated in order to maintain high profits. In addition to the search for new areas for industrial development, imperialism had other motivations such as the quest by consumer market, cheap labor and raw materials.

Imperialism presented several types of domination, such as cultural domination, ideological in order to expand mainly the consumer market, but there were also more incisive forms of domination, such as establishments of areas of influence, protectorates and colonies, which may be of a framing or of rooting.

Despite being very profitable to the European powers, the imperialist process generated conflicts with the native populations in Africa and Asia, due to the intense exploitation and disrespect to the territory and the ethnicities that coexisted in the region. However, there were European justifications for this expansionism, the main one of which became known as "social Darwinism" or "white man's burden", which, with a strong ethnocentric character, considered that the civilization of the African continent and Asia.

Ships were able to transport goods

From 1973 to 1990, Chile was an example of state-sponsored terrorism because General Pinochetsupported terrorists in other countries.
offered asylum to known terrorist groups.
provided large amounts of money to terrorists.
allowed terrorists to murder thousands of citizens.



  Allowed terrorists to murder thousands of citizens.


  The Pinochet dictatorship held a policy of  State-sponsored terrorism, like many of the Latin American dictatorships around those years. Under his rule, the police, armed forces, and government agents committed crimes against the politicians who were against his mandate and cut off several liberties like the freedom of speech.

  During his rule, it was enacted an anti-terror law that allows the state forces to held in isolation to any suspect without charges.

  I hope this answer helps you.




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