Active in groups where i try to get each individual to conform to the goals, attitudes, and behaviors of the group


Answer 1
Answer: i believe the answer is: Conformity

Conformity is a situation when individuals show a compliance toward the belief and principles that advocated by the group.
If conformity is being done by completely prevent the group members from having  different opinion,  members of the group may choose to completely disregard their individual identity and formed a group bias.

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Why would President George Washington warn the country to remain neutral, avoid debt, avoid sectionalism, and avoid political parties?


Because there were bigger, stronger, older nations that would
have loved to get their hands on that rich territory that the United
States covered ... France, England, Spain, etc.  Washington knew
that the young USA could only survive as a nation if the people
remained united, and all those things ... taking sides in international
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against south, east against west, old states against new states),
political parties (Whigs against Tories, Republicans against
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Why did smaller states oppose the Virginia Plan? What solution did the framers of the Constitution adopt?



The Virginia Plan gave too much power to the large states and The Virginia plan would have given dominance and legislative power to the large states at the expense of the small states.


The compromise was found in the model of the Iroquois Confederation.

They contend that the federal structure of the U.S. constitution was influenced by the living example of the Iroquois confederation, as were notions of individual liberty and the separation of powers.

The Iroquois had two legislative bodies. One was based on population the number of long houses. The second was the council of chiefs. In the council of chiefs each tribe was equal with two representatives.

you are driving in the right lane on an interstate highway and there seem to be a lot of vehicles passing you. you should



continue driving in the right lane


The right lane is the right most lane on in a two or three way expressways. It is the most safest way to drive. In this lane, the car drivers drives with the slower speeds. It may also be used for entering and also exiting the expressway.

The left lanes are used for passing or for driving at high speeds. If we are driving at a speed which is below the traffic speed, we should always use the right lane and keep on driving in the right lane.

Final answer:

If vehicles are passing you on an interstate highway, maintain a steady speed and stay in your lane. Check mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes.


If you are driving in the right lane on an interstate highway and there seem to be a lot of vehicles passing you, it is important to maintain a steady speed and stay in your lane. Do not panic or feel pressured to speed up. Remember, it is always better to drive at a comfortable and safe speed that follows the speed limit and traffic conditions.

Additionally, make sure to regularly check your rearview mirrors and blind spots before changing lanes. If you notice a long line of vehicles behind you, you can consider moving to the rightmost lane to allow faster traffic to pass. However, only do this if it is safe to do so and if there is enough space for you to merge into the other lane.

Lastly, always follow the rules of the road and drive defensively. Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, use your turn signals properly, and be aware of the actions of other drivers on the road.

Learn more about Driving here:


Chief Justice Earl Warren stated, “Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” What did the use of “inherently” imply about segregation?


The US Supreme Court ruled in the case Brown v. Board of Education that laws that established separate public schools for students of different races were unconstitutional.

The word inherently was used to imply that there is no way that any segregation could bring any equality, that segregation itself is already unequal.

Inherently applied that segregation wasn't natural, it was a idea built by man to seperate themselves from people they felt were inferior because of their darker skin and differences.

One reason the Japanese followed a policy of expansionism before World War II was to gain



Japan had plans of conquest and expansion in Asia, real designs that it tried to hide under the pompous idea of an "Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" launched by Tokyo to deceive and lure Asian governments. The actual Japanese goal was to control access to sources of energy and raw materials that were necessary for their industry, their military and to consolidate its imperialist domination in Asia.


The relocation of Japanese-Americans into internment camps during World War IIwas one of the most flagrant violations of civil liberties in American history. According to the census of 1940, 127,000 persons of Japanese ancestry lived in the United States, the majority on the West Coast. One-third had been born in Japan, and in some states could not own land, be naturalized as citizens, or vote. After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941, rumors spread, fueled by race prejudice, of a plot among Japanese-Americans to sabotage the war effort. In early 1942, the Roosevelt administration was pressured to remove persons of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast by farmers seeking to eliminate Japanese competition, a public fearing sabotage, politicians hoping to gain by standing against an unpopular group, and military authorities.

On February 19, 1942, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which forced all Japanese-Americans, regardless of loyalty or citizenship, to evacuate the West Coast. No comparable order applied to Hawaii, one-third of whose population was Japanese-American, or to Americans of German and Italian ancestry. Ten internment camps were established in California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming,Colorado, and Arkansas, eventually holding 120,000 persons. Many were forced to sell their property at a severe loss before departure. Social problems beset the internees: older Issei (immigrants) were deprived of their traditional respect when their children, the Nisei (American-born), were alone permitted authority positions within the camps. 5,589 Nisei renounced their American citizenship, although a federal judge later ruled that renunciations made behind barbed wire were void. Some 3,600 Japanese-Americans entered the armed forces from the camps, as did 22,000 others who lived in Hawaii or outside the relocation zone. The famous all-Japanese 442nd Regimental Combat Team won numerous decorations for its deeds in Italy and Germany.

The Supreme Court upheld the legality of the relocation order in Hirabayashi v.United States and Korematsu v. United States. Early in 1945, Japanese-American citizens of undisputed loyalty were allowed to return to the West Coast, but not until March 1946 was the last camp closed. A 1948 law provided for reimbursement for property losses by those interned. In 1988, Congress awarded restitution payments of twenty thousand dollars to each survivor of the camps; it is estimated that about 73,000 persons will eventually receive this compensation for the violation of their liberties.

The Reader’s Companion to American History. Eric Foner and John A. Garraty, Editors. Copyright © 1991 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

"Each representative who wishes to speak on the bill will be allowed five minutes." A statement like this one would be the work of the


A statement like this one would be the work of the "Speaker of the House" in the House of Representatives in the United States, since he or she is in charge of moderating the floor.