How can compact fluorescent bulbs help the environment? (2 points) They will create new industry.
The will use less energy overall.
They will further science and technological development.
They will provide society with a product that is in short supply.


Answer 1

Answer : fluorescent bulbs help the environment as they use less energy overall

Explanation :

Fluorescent bulbs are energy efficient. They consume less electricity as compared to conventional bulbs. They also generate less heat.

In modern world, we are facing energy crisis. The non renewable energy sources are getting depleted. It is highly necessary that we should start using alternative energy sources such as non renewable energy sources more often.

Another way to reduce our energy consumption is to use gadgets which use electricity more efficiently. One example is fluorescent bulb over traditional incandescent bulbs.

Therefore we can say that fluorescent bulbs help environment by using less energy and by producing less heat.

Answer 2
Answer: The answer to this question is " They will use less energy overall." 

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1. Yes, because if the amount of substrate i much greater than of competitive inhibitor then the probability of substrate to bind to ferment is much higher than of inhibitor (if we have noncompetitive inhibitor it damages the structure of active site and the substrate concentration does not have a role in reaction rate).

2. Yeah, because then the michaelis-menten equation will transform into [tex} V0=(kcat*[E]*[S])/Km [/tex] and it is a second order equation.

3. No, because it is measured in sec-1 and that means it is 1 rate constant.

4. True, if the lower Km the better is binding and due to that rate is slower because it's harder for substrate to unbind.

5. The same as question two.