I need facts about Pluto


Answer 1
Answer: It is the furthest planet away from the sun.

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Warm water has more energy than cold water. The more energy the more the water molecules move around pushing the food coloring. Think gas—liquid is evaporated because of heat and the molecules move more than in a liquid state.

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It has 1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms, it is also know as a saturated chemical due to all bonds being used.

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Assuming there is no friction between the floor and the shopping cart we can solve for the force by using F=m*a. With this F=65*(.3) which gives is the force to be 19.5N

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the atom thats close to the nucleus

Which of the following is a hypothesis that you could form about how soilacidity affects the growth of blueberries?




Most hypothesis involves the statement of a problem. It is one of the easiest way to explain results from experiments and a pool of observation.

To create a hypothesis about how soil acidity affects the growth of blueberries, we must bear in mind the follow:

The dependent variable is the growth of the blueberries.

The independent variables are the chemicals we might be adding to the soil to increase the acidity.

Our best hypothesis would be "how the addition of different pH of acid to soil affects the growth of blueberries".

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well,condensation is more like gas becoming liquid or solid while evaporation is liquid becoming gas.

the thing those two have in common is that they have been gas or are gas.
Condensation changes gas to solid/liquid. Evaporation turns liquid into gas