The third part of LRAS curve is vertical line what does this mean


Answer 1

The answer is the economy is completely efficient. Increasesin potential output or a rightward shift in the LRAS curve are usually due tothe following: 1. Increases in quantities of factors of production. Forexample, an increase in the quantity of physical capital, or land (eg.discovery of oil reserves) - the economy is capable of producing more real GDP.

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What are some political problems currently facing North Africa?



Some of the problems facing North Africa today still have to do with the following:

  • Weak electoral processes
  • Civil unrests
  • Weak and fragile democracies
  • to mention a few.

North Africa comprises of the following countries:

  1. Algeria
  2. Egypt
  3. Libya
  4. Morocco
  5. Sudan
  6. Western Sahara and  
  7. Tunisia.

Algeria, for instance, is still under military rule or what some may call a "controlled democracy". This comprises of a mixed leadership of the military and unelected civilians who make decisions in the country.  

Unsatisfied with the current system of government, the people are constantly oscillating between having mild and unrest and having a coup to enable them to transition into a full-blown democracy.

Egypt too is not left out.

In March of 2019, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi secured a second term in what many describe as an unfree and unfair presidential election.

Since then his security forces have reduced the country's democracy to one of intimidation, violence, and arrests especially against political opponents, civil society activists, and many others who voice out their criticism of the government.


Since the Muammar Qaddafi was overthrown, Libya has continued to struggle. Many of the peace conferences sponsored by various nations have failed to yield any result.  

The country is still rife with violent conflicts as it tries to very hard to create operational state institutions.  

One of the factors that have been attributed to Libya's current state of events is interference by foreign actors such as Turkey, UAE, Russia and some European states.


The Moroccan system of government is still largely repressive with many proponents of good governance being jailed for statements they uttered under torture by the police.

Freedom of speech is very far from the reach of the people in Morocco.



Following the ousting from the government of President Omar al-Bashir, an interim government comprising civilians and military officials is currently in charge of the affairs of the nation.

The country is staggering under the weight of inflation, nefarious activities by rebels and huge public debts.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara is contested territory. It is contested between Morocco and the Front Polisario and its legal status is still unresolved.

A lot of Sahrawis have lived all their life as refugees. The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, estimates that about 170,000 are currently in the Tindouf refugee camps.


Tunisia is the only fully democratic sovereign state in the Arab world.

It is credited with a high human development index.



Juanita has taken six courses at Valley Community College, and she has a grade average of B so far. All the courses she has taken have been in sociology and psychology. She’s thinking of enrolling in another course next term, and she expects to make at least a B in whatever she takes. Suppose that when she took the previous courses, Juanita had done all her studying alone because she didn’t know any of the other students at Valley but that now she knows several good students and plans to study with them when she takes her next course. Would her argument be stronger or weaker than if she were planning to study alone? Discuss


Her argument about study alone is very strong. She probably have an average B, she made some C courses and because of this situation this makes her argument become a little weak because of that courses.

Drag each statement to the correct location on the chart.Classify the events as being a cause or an effect of pollution.
oil spill
leaky landfill
contaminated water


Urbanization, oil spill, leaky landfill and deforestation are causes of pollution

while desertification, smog, contaminated water are the effects of pollution.

Which of the following is an example of a country that has a comparative advantage over the U.S.?Japan imports more beef from the US than from India because of the available supply.
China exports fewer farm goods to the US because China has less arable land.
Canada exports more oil to the US because Canada has a larger share of oil reserves.
Germany produces less corn than the US because Germany has a cooler climate.





What is the value of learning the four levels and corresponding staff attitudes?




One of the more important values that this brings is that it helps determine the potentially violent individuals through their behavior levels. These levels can be analyzed by professionals in order to help them determine the best courses of action to take in order to most efficiently respond to the different stages of escalation. At the same time, this provides invaluable information of improving defusion and de-escalation efforts.

Grant was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm, a misdemeanor in New York State. He is involved in a custody battle with his ex-wife and he brought the gun with him to scare her into letting him see his daughter more. They got into a shouting match and he pulled the gun out. Grant was arrested and he pled guilty to disorderly conduct, a handgun violation, and was given probation. If you were the sentencing judge, what condition of probation would you give Grant?



In the case, Grant has been arrested for illegal possession of weapons. In the context of the case, moreover, it can be seen that there is a threat with weapons to his ex-wife. Therefore, if I were the judge that has to grant him the probation, the conditions that would apply to Grant would be the following:

-The capture of the weapon involved and its suspension for 5 years to acquire all other weapons legally. Thus, it would punish the crime of illegal possession and, in case of re-incurring it, it would punish it effectively.

-The participation in a course of misogynous violence, so that it identifies the seriousness of its acts and acquires the necessary knowledge to modify its conduct.