__________ is frequency misused and confused with "civil war." pol 300


Answer 1
Answer: revolution The difference between the two is that a revolution is when the population of one state rise against what the feel as an oppressive regime. A revolution is led often by the popular mandate and seeks change in government. a civil war on the hand refers to the situation where two organized factions.

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the right answer is inevitable.


Answer: impossible


(blank) are debt certificates that are purchased by an investor.


BONDS are the death certificates that are purchased by an investor.

Final answer:

Bonds are debt certificates purchased by an investor in exchange for regular interest payments and the return of the principal amount upon maturity.


Bonds are debt certificates that are purchased by an investor. They represent a loan made by the investor to the issuer of the bond, which can be a government or a corporation. When an investor buys a bond, they are essentially lending money to the issuer in exchange for regular interest payments and the return of the principal amount upon maturity.

Learn more about Bonds here:



Describe three causes for the French Revolution1)

2) the enlightenment and American revolution



Causes of the French Revolution. 2. Political conflict: conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility over the “reform” of the tax system led to paralysis and bankruptcy. 3.


1. International: struggle for hegemony and Empire outstrips the fiscal resources of the state

2. Political conflict: conflict between the Monarchy and the nobility over the “reform” of the tax system led to paralysis and bankruptcy.

3. The Enlightenment: impulse for reform intensifies political conflicts; reinforces traditional aristocratic constitutionalism, one variant of which was laid out in Montequieu’s Spirit of the Laws; introduces new notions of good government, the most radical being popular sovereignty, as in Rousseau’s Social Contract [1762]; the attack on the regime and privileged class by the Literary Underground of “Grub Street;” the broadening influence of public opinion.

4. Social antagonisms between two rising groups: the aristocracy and the bourgeoisie

5. Ineffective ruler: Louis XVI

6. Economic hardship, especially the agrarian crisis of 1788-89 generates popular discontent and disorders caused by food shortages.

What happened to the southeast indians after the yamasee war


Many American Indians fled South Carolina and settled in Florida and Georgia. 

Your missing the Answers

A.They killed every male member of the defeated tribes

B.they gave the tribal leaders a chance to move to Europe.

C.they offered to construct new settlements for the tribes

D. Many Americans indians fled south Carolina and settled in Florida and georgia

Your answer is D-

Many American's indians fled south Carolina and settled in Florida and Georgia

What are examples of federalism


Power is spread between a minimum of two units with powers divided between the parts. The number of branches in the government and the way power is divided is not the same for all federalist governments. Some examples of Federalism include the United States, Canada, and the European Union.

Final answer:

Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional or state governments. Examples include the United States, Canada, Germany, and Australia. In the United States, one example is how states have the power to regulate education within their borders.


Federalism is a system of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional or state governments. Examples of federalism can be seen in countries like the United States, Canada, Germany, and Australia, where the central government shares power with the individual states or provinces. In the United States, for instance, powers not specifically granted to the federal government are reserved for the states.

One example of federalism in the United States is how states have the power to regulate education within their borders. Each state can establish and manage its own educational system, determining curriculum, standards, and requirements. Another example is the division of powers between the federal government and the state governments, with the federal government responsible for issues such as national defense and foreign policy, while the states handle matters like transportation and education.

Federalism allows for a balance of power between the central government and the states, ensuring that the needs and interests of both levels of government and their citizens are addressed. It also promotes experimentation and diversity, allowing states to implement different policies and programs according to their specific needs and preferences.

Learn more about Federalism here:



Which best explains how the invention of corporations contributed to the economy in the 1800s?O Corporations allowed investors to invest without putting their personal property at risk, fueling the growth of new
Corporations enabled factories to hire large numbers of unskilled workers who worked long hours for low wages.
O Corporations changed how goods were made, bringing in innovations such as mass production.
O Corporations suppressed the development of an industrial economy in the Southern states.



Corporations allowed investors to invest without putting their personal property at risk, fueling the growth of new businesses.


Final answer:

The invention of corporations spurred economic growth in the 1800s by providing limited liability to investors, leading to increased investment and industrial growth.


The invention of corporations significantly contributed to economic growth in the 1800s by allowing investors to participate in new ventures without risking their personal assets. This business structure offered limited liability, meaning that if a corporation went bankrupt or faced legal issues, investors would only lose their initial investment, not more.

This financial security encouraged more people to invest, which in turn provided the capital necessary for industrial growth and the establishment of new industries. By pooling resources from multiple investors, corporations could scale up operations, control entire production cycles, and employ large numbers of workers in factories, fueling the shift to an urban, industrial economy.