What do chemical compound and mixture have in common


Answer 1
Answer: Compounds and mixtures are both made up of one or more elements. 
Answer 2
Answer: Compound and Mixture also have Homogeneous Composition

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The surface waves are the type of seismic waves that produce the most severe ground movement. This wave is slow in nature and so produces a rolling effect similar to a surface wave in a pond. This kind of wave is far more devastating than the P waves and the S waves. The surface waves have the capacity to shake a building from side to side until it collapses. This kind of wave moves in a pattern similar to a circle. It actually originates at a point and then start moving outwards in a circle.

Hello:) is hydrogen chloride and hydrochloride acid the same??



No because hydrogen chloride is gas and hydrochloric acid is (as stated in the name) an acid. The formula for hydrogen chloride is HCI(g), the little g states that the compound is a gas and the formula for hydrochloric acid is HCl(aq) and the little aq means aqueous.


no. they are not the same

Explanation: Although, they both do have the same chemical formula HCL, they differ in their states of matter. Hydrogen chloride is a gas whereas hydrochloric acid is a solution of hydrogen chloride gas and water( creates an aquaeous solution). Hydrochloric acid is highly corrossive.

Which of the following is most important when setting goals?


Devising a way to achieve the goals is the most important when setting goals.

Devising a way to achieve the goals


The fundamental objective for progress is Breaking down any long haul objectives into littler increasingly feasible objectives that help to advance accomplishment and achievement. While defining objectives, it makes its needs unmistakable for everybody associated with the association.

The reason for objective setting is to people what they have to concentrate on the most during the up and coming quarter, which at that point encourages them to have the option to organize their assignments.

Since it accomplishes an effective, engaged and definitive way by taking the correct activities in a lesser time period throughout everyday life.

If a DNA molecule is found to be made of 40% thymine,What percentage guanine would you expect


It needs to equal the amount of adenine. The guanine to cyanine. So it would be 40% thymine 40 % adenine then 10% guanine and 10% cyanine would make sense

How would you measure the pH of a coloured substance such as red ink.why?


There are 3 possible ways of determining pH.
1. A pH meter, 2. Litmus paper/ pH test strips or 3. Titrations. 

1. A pH meter works by sending a small electric current through the solution. An electrical current can only be created if there are free-moving particles such as H+ ions from an acid or OH- ions from a base. The pH meter can determine the pH by how high the conductivity is. 

2. Litmus Paper or pH test strips are strips that turn a specific colour under a specific pH. This colour can then be compared to a colour chart which will tell you the pH. The downfall of this method is that the red ink will stain the strip and you will be unable to get an accurate reading. 

3. A titration is the best method, if done properly, for determining pH. 

PLEASE HURRY. Which of the molecules below is propyne?


Answer: Option (D) is the correct answer.


General formula of an alkyne is C_(n)H_(2n-2).

Suffix "yne" in the name of a compound represents that there is a triple bond present in the compound.

So, a molecule of propyne will have three carbon atoms, four hydrogen atoms and a triple bond. Therefore, there wll be 6 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds in a propyne molecule.

The last photo because its molecular formula is C3H4.