In the Great Gatsby, Tom and Nick were both in the same senior society at what college?a. Harvard
b. Princeton
c. Yale
d. Stanford


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is c. Tom and Nick were members of the Yale senior society

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The chivalric code demanded what


demanded that a knight be loyal to three masters: a chosen lady, his lord, and God and that he protect the manor and his lady

In A tree grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith, what activity helps Francie avoid telling lies?


You can also write: Writing stories in an outlet is what helps Francie avoid telling lies. As stated in lines 143-145, "What was important was that the attempt to write stories kept her straight on the dividing line between truth and fiction." This is all thanks to her teacher's advice.

The activity that helps Francie avoid telling lies is focusing on having integrity, focus on his or her belief in karma and that activity is called mindfulness. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have question and clarifications 

Hanging indents are _____. used when a parenthetical citation takes up more than one line. used when a works cited entry takes up more than one line. used for a works cited entry as an option for the writer.


Hanging indents are used when a work's cited entry takes up more than one line.  

They are used in several cases, for instance, bibliographies, Works Cited and References pages, scripts, dictionary entries, and footnotes.

They are also a requirement in official papers that are made in MLA, CMS or APA format.

What is the correct order of tribal dominance in this era?


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Assume that you are talking about tribal dominances in India, then it has almost become gospel amongst the scholars world over to discuss the historiography of India in terms of binaries such as (1) center and margin vis-à-vis centrality & marginality, (2) placed & displaced, (3)elites & dalits, (4) tribal & non-tribal. Thereby to establish that Indian cultural traditions & mega narratives could never assess & integrate the mass articulation comprising the voice of the ethnic minorities, especially the dislocated communities.

Call forwarding allows you toa. know that another call is waiting.
b. send a call to another phone line.
c. put calls on hold temporarily.
d. conduct teleconferences.


The correct answer is B. Send a call to another phone line.

You can set it to forward incoming calls to any other number you choose without even bothering you.

What happened to two-bits car in the outsiders?



His loud insults cause Pony and Randy to talk in the quietness of the Mustang. After this, he and Pony visit Johnny and Dally in the hospital. They see Johnny is lying face down, with a broken back and burns covering his body.

the ran inside the house and bite people
Other Questions
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