Which following processes can occur in the absence of oxygen? Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, the electron transport train, or the generation of carbon dioxide from Peruvian acid


Answer 1
Answer: Well,

Glycolysis does not require oxygen.  In glycolysis, a glucose molecule is broken down into pyruvic acid and some other molecules.  No oxygen is added to make the reaction happen.

Therefore, the answer is glycolysis.

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Bears and coyotes both consume large plant-eating mammals such as deer. When the deer are in short supply, bears and coyotes may fight over the prey. This type of biological interaction is called


This is competition among predators.




Hope it helps.

Rich and Sandra are doing a standard biology lab, where the letter 'e' is cut out of a newspaper and placed under a light microscope as a wet-mount. When placed under the microscope, the letter 'e' will appearA) upside down and backwards
B) backwards and right side up
C) just as it appears in print
D) upside down and right side up


The answer is (a.) upside down and backward.
A microscope uses a convex lens that why the letter 'e' appears upside down and backward. These type of lens are used in almost every microscopes such as complex and compound microscopes. Images place under a microscope always appear in reversed and inverted.

When a letter 'e' is viewed under a light microscope, it appears upside-down and backwards. This is due to the optics of the microscope's lenses which invert the image orientation.

The letter 'e' in a standard biology lab, when viewed under a light microscope, will appear upside down and backwards.

The optics of the Microscope Image Inversion lenses invert the orientation of the image.

A specimen that is right-side up and facing right on the slide will appear upside-down and facing left when viewed through the microscope, and vice versa.

This is due to the manner in which light travels through the two sets of lenses that a microscope uses to magnify the image.

Hence, it's a common occurrence in light microscopy that the image viewed is inverted.

Learn more about Microscope Image Inversion here:



A gland secretes enzymes through a duct onto the surface of a body part. Which gland is it most likely to be?. . A.pituitary gland. . B.salivary gland. . C.thyroid gland


I believe the correct answer among the choices listed above is option B. A gland secretes enzymes through a duct onto the surface of a body part is a salivary gland. It is under the classification of exocrine glands. Hope this answers the question.

Answer: Salivary Gland


The salivary gland in human being is exocrine gland which helps in the production of saliva through a system of ducts.

Human beings have three paired major ducts in salivary glands that secrete their secretions in the mouth by the help of duct.

The main type of enzyme secreted is alpha-amylase which helps in the breakdown of starch into glucose and maltose.

What is the relationship between adaptation and natural selection


Natural selection causes adaptation.

That is the relation between them.

Final answer:

Adaptation is the adjustment organisms make to survive while natural selection is the mechanism that drives this process. For example, birds with larger beaks are more likely to survive and reproduce if they have access to larger seeds. This leads to an increase in beak size in the bird population over time.


The relationship between adaptation and natural selection is that natural selection is the mechanism that drives the process of adaptation. Adaptation refers to the way in which organisms adjust to their environment in order to survive and reproduce. Natural selection, on the other hand, is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over time due to their influence on an organism's ability to survive and reproduce.

For example, let's consider a population of birds with different beak sizes. If a certain type of seed becomes more abundant in their environment, birds with larger beaks may have an advantage in cracking open the seeds and obtaining food. As a result, these birds would be more likely to survive and pass on their genes for larger beaks to their offspring. Over generations, the average beak size in the bird population would increase due to natural selection.

In summary, adaptation is the process by which organisms adjust to their environment, while natural selection is the mechanism that drives adaptation by favoring traits that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction.

Learn more about the relationship between adaptation and natural selection here:



Which of the following statements does NOT contribute to the evidence in support of evolution?(A) Sequences of fossils have been found that show a gradual series of changes in form among organisms.
(B) Species thought to be related through evolution from a common ancestor show many anatomical similarities.
(C) The stages of embryological development in animals are quite similar among highly diverse types of organisms.
(D) Similarities in chromosome structure, DNA sequence, and amino acid sequence suggest relationships among organisms descending through evolution from a common ancestor.
(E) The most well adapted individuals do not always produce the most fit offspring.


Definitely option E! This refers to exceptions to the 'survival of the fittest' - but the theory still holds despite these anomalies.

Both plants and fungi have cell walls made up of cellulose.
a. True
b. False


A. True. If you need any help I am here!