Given the formula representing a compound: what is a chemical name of this compound? 2-pentene 2-pentyne 3-pentene 3-pentyne


Answer 1
Answer: The question is incomplete. Complete question is attached below.

Correct Answer: Option 1) 2-pentene

Following are the IUPAC rules for naming the compound
1) Select the longest carbon chain. In present case longest carbon chain has 5 carbon atom. Hence, it is a pentane derivative.
2) In case of alkene, replace 'e' of alkane by 'ene'
3) Give lowest number to function group. In present case, it is double bond.

Applying above rules, the IUPAC name of compound is 2-pentene

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prison cells


Robert hook thought of prison cells when he first was the cells


Robert Hooke called what he saw a cell because it reminded him of the cells in a monastery.

I hope this helps you

Given the reaction:Mg(s) + 2 AgNO3(aq)--> Mg(NO3)2(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
Which type of reaction is represented?
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Answer: (1) single replacement


A single replacement reaction is one in which a more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its salt solution.Thus magnesium can easily lose electrons as compared to silver and result in the formation of magnesium nitrate and silver.

Mg(s)+2AgNO_3(aq)\rightarrow Mg(NO_3)_2(aq)+2Ag(s)

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reaction: Mg(s) + 2 AgNO3(aq) → Mg(NO3)2(aq) + 2 Ag(s)
Which type of reaction is represented?

double replacement

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results in the creation of products with
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Which is a redox reaction?A) 2KBr + F2 ---> 2KF + Br2
B) 2HCL + Mg(OH)2 --> 2HOH + MgCl2
C) 2NaCl + H2SO4 --> Na2SO4 + 2HCl
D) Ca(OH)2 + Pb(NO3)2 --> Ca(NO3)2 + Pb(OH)2

I know the answer is A, but confused as to why that is. Can someone explain this for me? Thanks.


You have to look at the oxidation states of each atom in the reaction.  Since redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons from one element to another, 2 elements need to have oxidation state changes.  
option a is the only option that has a change in oxidation sates.  Fluorine goes from 0 to -1 indicating that it gained electrons (got reduced) while bromine goes from -1 to 0 indicating it loses electrons (got oxidized).
(2Br⁻→Br₂+2e⁻ and F₂+2e⁻→2F⁻).

I hope this helps.  Let me know if anything is unclear.

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Option (A)


Radioactivity is defined as a process in which an unstable atomic nucleus decays continuously and after a specific period of time changes into a much more stable element. During this time of decay, the nucleus emits charged particles (energy) which are known as the α, β and γ particles. These are often emitted in the form of electromagnetic energy and are very dangerous to health.

The radioactive elements decay at a certain rate which is commonly known as the half-life. Half-life is basically defined as the time required by a radioactive substance to decay half of its initial composition.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A).

Which compound has the highest percent composition by mass of strontium?


Assuming all the compounds of interest are given. We proceed on the theoretical way of answering this question. Assume 1 gram of each compound. Multiply it by the reciprocal of the molar mass of the compound. Then multiply it by the molar ratio of the Strontium to the compound. Then, multiply it by the molar mass of strontium. Finally divide this answer by 1 gram and multiply by 100. 

The early alchemists used to do an experiment in which water was boiled for several days in a sealed glass container. Eventually, some solid residue would appear in the bottom of the flask, which was interpreted to mean that some of the water in the flask had been converted into "earth." When Lavoisier repeated this experiment, he found that the water weighed the same before and after heating, and the mass of the flask plus the solid residue equaled the original mass of the flask. Were the alchemists correct?






Since the sealed glass container is isolated (closed system) no escape of boiled water (steam) was presented, so it is obvious that the alchemists were wrong, it is impossible that the water turns into "earth" because it has components that water does not have by itself (metallic and nonmetallic ions and molecular compounds) that is why the solid residue could have come from suspended solids or simply solids that were initially dissolved and due to the boiling of water, they remained at the bottom of the flask. Nevertheless, the experiment done by Lavoisier was more precise because the conclusion based on the initial and final masses, accounts for the boiling process; besides, the mass agreement substantiates that no mass was removed due to the isolation of the flask.

Best regards.