Nelly really likes brian. they don't go out often, but when they do, they engage in fun activities, but rarely talk or develop any emotional closeness. this is most likely because


Answer 1
Answer: Brian has an aviodant attatchment style. 

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The correct answer is B.

Nowadays, countries mostly require documents and valid IDs so that people from abroad are allowed inside their borders, rather than building physical barriers or establishing quotas to limit the number of people that are able to enter from each country of origin. These latter mechanisms are less frequent but not totally erradicated anyway.

On the other hand, sanctions and embargos are used to limit trade and products from foreign country, not people movements.

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The government defines, establishes, and ___________ property rights. disallows enforces discourages


The right option is; enforces

The government defines, establishes, and enforces property rights.    

Property rights is the lawful ownership of certain property by individuals or organizations and the ability to decide how the property is utilized. The government establishes and enforces property rights by using an organized system for keeping records and disclosure that inform the public of those rights.  In many countries, such as the United States, people usually exert private property rights (the permission to delegate, gather, hold, sell or lease their property).

Final answer:

The government's role in property rights is to define, establish, and crucially, enforce these rights. Enforcement ensures that property rights are respected and violations are penalized.


The government has a crucial role in the aspect of property rights. It not only defines and establishes these rights but crucially, it enforces property rights. This enforcement means the government ensures that property rights are respected and any violations of these rights are dealt with accordingly. For instance, if someone encroaches upon your land, the government, through its law enforcement agencies and the court system, steps in to protect your rights and penalize the wrongdoer.

Learn more about Government and Property Rights here:


what sort of behaviour do we need to show towards our senior citizens or elderly people at home and community? write some of them that can be helpful to make them happier and more joyful​




Doing things with them that they love and supporting them