Why does the author most likely include this interaction? to emphasize the generational cycle of debt slavery to highlight how Iqbal’s work helped people to show why Iqbal was targeted for his work to illustrate how people escape from debt slavery


Answer 1


to emphasize the generational cycle of debt slavery.to emphasize the generational cycle of debt slavery.


Answer 2


A. to emphasize the generational cycle of debt slavery.to emphasize the generational cycle of debt slavery.


i took the test

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Make sure that the parents don't spoil them as a child, so that when they becoming a teenager, they won't expect to be living a life with luxury and not having to work for it. Being positive and hopeful about a teens behaviour is better than putting them down and give them strict behavioral expectations. In addition to that, it is better to keep them motivated to do good, not tell them that their behaviour is bad and they will never change, encouraging them to be a good person and have good behaviour is what they should do.

P.S I'm 14 so I don't rlly know if i was that helpful-

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This is because Cassius' fate was just the same as the foil of Brutus. The way he reflected is the opposite of Brutus' actions and characteristics. Thus his actions led to the defeat of brutus and how the ending happened.

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The anwer is B trust me I got it right on my flvs ELA test


B is the correct answer.

What is a example of each medium that sound can travel in


you're listening to energy making a journey. It sets off from somewhere inside from the clock, travels through the air, and arrives some time later in your ears. It's a little bit like waves, they start out from a place where the wind is blowing on the water (the original source of the energy, like the bell or buzzer inside your alarm clock), travel over the ocean surface (that's the medium that allow the waves to travel), and eventually wash up on the beach (similar to sounds entering your ears). There is one crucially important difference between waves bumping over the sea and the sound waves that reach our ears. Sea waves travel as up-and-down vibrations: the water moves up and down (without really moving anywhere) as the energy in the wave travels forward. Waves like this are called transverse waves. That just means the water vibrates at right angles to the direction in which the wave travels. Sound waves work in a completely different way. As a sound wave moves forward, it makes the air bunch together in some places and spread out in others.


well.we hear different sounds around us.we are not only able to hear sounds but can also produce sound.for example,we can produce sound by talking or playing a music instrument.sound is produced when the membrane of the drum vibrates.

Has anyone read the Giver? if so please check these questions 1. Which statement provides the best summary of Chapter 15? (1 point)
Jonas finds the Giver in pain and offers to help. The Giver then gives Jonas a terrible memory of a wartime battle.*******
Jonas experiences tiny pinpricks ofsnow that touch his body and melt on his tongue.
The Giver explains to Jonas why the pain and carnage of war are sometimes necessary.
The Giver suggests that some of the answers to Jonas’s questions can be found in his many books

2. Which word means the same as optimistic?
While most of his groupmates were happy with their Assignments and optimistic about the future Jonas was feeling somewhat nervous.
(1 point)

“I’ll come back tomorrow, sir,” he said quickly. Then he hesitated. “Unless maybe there’s something I can do to help.”
The Giver looked up at him, his face contorted with suffering. “Please,” he gasped, “take some of the pain.”

3. Read the passage from the novel.
What do these lines of dialogue tell you about the relationship between Jonas and the Giver?
(1 point)
The Giver takes advantage ofJonas’s desire to please him.
The teacher and student trust and care for each other.
The Giver is sick so he is eager for Jonas to take over as Receiver.***
The old man only transmits good memories to Jonas.

4. Why does Jonas share a memory with Gabriel? (1 point)
He is trying to calm the baby and lull him back to sleep.***
He is eager to transmit his experiences to a member of the community.
He does not think there is anything wrong with sharing his memories.
He feels it is his duty to prevent the baby from being released.

5. Why are the memories of war so painful for Jonas? (1 point)
Jonas feels he should not have to bear such burdens.*****
Jonas has never known real pain in his life.
Jonas recognized some of the fallen soldiers.
Jonas is not able to help release the Giver’s pain.

6. In Chapter 17, the Giver shares many good memories with Jonas. Which of the following themes is the author developing through these memories?
(1 point)
Individual differences should be embraced and celebrated.******
The pain and destruction of war is sometimes worth it.
Perseverance and hard work are necessary for success.
Advancement ofsociety is more important than individual needs.

The Giver sighed. “I walk. I eat at mealtime. And when I am called by the Committee of Elders, I appear before them, to give them counsel and advice.”
“Do you advise them often?” Jonas was a little frightened at the thought that one day he would be the one to advise the ruling body. But The Giver said no. “Rarely. Only when they are faced with something that they have not
experienced before. Then they call on me to use the memories and advise them. But it very seldom happens. Sometimes I wish they’d ask for my wisdom more often—there are so many things I could tell them; things I wish I could change. Life here is so orderly, so predictable—so painless. It’s what they’ve chosen.”

7. Read the passage from the novel.
What does this passage say about the Elders and the community?
(1 point)
The Elders rely upon the Giver to offer them advice constantly about changes that should be made
The Giver is preparing Jonas to take advantage of the trusting relationship he will have with the Elders.
There is little chance the Elders will act on the Giver’s memories to make significant change.****
The Elders embrace change and want to do all that is best for the community, no matter how difficult.

8. Which important plot events have happened since Jonas began his training to become the new Receiver?( Select two answers)
(2 points)
Jonas volunteered many hours at the House of the Old.
The chosen Receiver was released.
The Giver transmitted many good and bad memories to Jonas.***
Jonas learned about families and love.***

9. Which of the following could result in carnage? (1 point)
a dream
a memory
a battle****
a tunic


1. is A
3. is B
6. is A
8. is C D
1. not sure
2. D
3. I don't see any dialogue
4. A
5. B
6. not sure
7. C
8. I think B
9. C

Work in pairs. Find in the text words that mean: chance – to lead – beore – to get to –to enjoy – cuisine – leaving (n) – journey –to notice – area – to buy in advance


"Chance" can signify an opportunity (i.e. the chance to prove yourself), or it could refer to luck (i.e. It was by chance that he won). "To lead" means to be in charge (i.e. Since she has great communication skills, she can lead the group). "Before" means previously or prior (i.e. I need to study before taking the test). "To get to" means to reach (i.e. We can take a break once we get to the mountain). "To enjoy" means to be pleased by something (i.e. I always enjoy a piece of chocolate cake after a long day). "Cuisine" refers to cooking or meals (My mom's cuisine rivals that of any top chef). "Leaving" can mean to go away (i.e. I'm leaving in five minutes) or to allow something to stay (i.e. I'm leaving the keys on the table). "To buy in advance" means to purchase something before you need it, in anticipation of needing it (i.e. I don't need the books for another two weeks, but I bought them in advance to make sure I have them).