In the book of the hunger games. Why is this gesture significant and what impact does this gesture have on katniss ?


Answer 1
Answer: Okay, first things first: What do you know about the era and the way her community is ruled? The president is very controlling, and dislikes people disobeying authority. He feels threatened by how people look towards Katniss.

To Katniss, freedom means and is everything. This gesture represents hope for her.

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Darlene wrote a note to her best friend on paper.


Answer: D. Darlene wrote a note to her best friend on paper.

The correct sentence should have been stated this way:
Darlene wrote a note on paper to her best friend .

The phrase "a note on paper" modifies the verb "wrote", therefore should follow right after the word it modifies.

How are the Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre similar? Both were built in Rome. Both were built in Elizabethan England. Both served as a stage for political and social issues of their time period. Both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status.


The correct answer is: "Both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status."

This is because poor people would not have the money to pay the high priced seats, so they would keep out.


The Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre are similar since they D. both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status.


On the one hand, the Roman Forum, founded in Ancient Rome, served as a public area for various activities, such as elections, gladiator matches, criminal trials, public speeches and social gatherings. On the other hand, the Globe Theatre was built in 1576 in London specifically for drama exhibition. Therefore, one could not say the Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre served for the same purposes or were built in the same time period or place, but they did have audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status, since they had to pay for access or had to belong to certain social class.

Essay surviving a deadly disease 210-250words​


Dangerous and Deadly Disease

Throughout history, humans have had the eagerness to explore lands different from theirs, to discover new things and meet people different from them. However, despite this eagerness, there is still a resistance to accept those who will appear to be different among us. In America, when we think of prejudice we often think of it in terms of Blacks and Whites. However, prejudice has proven to be much more than that, it affects everyone – the homeless, middleclass, working class and even the rich people. As fellow humans, who are we to judge another person based on how they talk, dress, look or act? But yet we all do it, we judge people on how different they are from us. According to Webster’s dictionary, prejudice is a “preconceived judgment or opinion formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge”. It is “an irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race or religion.”(1) To me, prejudice is a disease, with symptoms like fear, intolerance, ego, segregation, hatred, and discrimination, that affects people all over the world and that hardly has a cure for it. In this paper I will be discussing 3 different types of this disease (racial, gender and sexual prejudices) that have reared their ugly heads throughout all the Civil rights movements that we have studied this term. Education and communication are the first steps in resolving prejudice in humankind.

The terms "hip hop" and "rap" describe two completely different styles of music.


That's true rap is a type of song that you sing fast. Hip-hop is different too 
Not All Hip Hop Is/Has Rap
Not All Rap Is Hip Hop
The "Rap" Genre Is a Subset of "Urban" and "R&B/Hip-Hop" in the Music Industry
hope this helped...

The effect of the caste system is to create a society that


The effect of the caste system is to create a society that has little social mobility.

Social mobility is the movement of individuals, families, or people of certain categories within a social strata in a society. Social mobility allows the social status of people to change relative to the social status of other people within the society.

Caste system limits or prohibits social mobility. You are already part of a caste even before you are born. Your caste is based on the caste of your parents and you are part of said caste until the day you die.