Luke is 5 feet 11 inches and weighs 170 pounds. Using the body mass index chart as a guide, under which category would he fall?A- underweight
B- normal
C- overweight
D- obese

I took a pic of the BMIC but it was blurry

I would appreciate if anyone could answer thx


Answer 1
Answer: The answer to your question is B- normal.

Luke's BMI is 23.7 which gives us the answer!

Hope I could help you, have a good one!
Answer 2
Answer: It would be (B) he has a normal BMI of 23.7

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because they are either ignorent and do not understand what they are doing or they do not see theirs lives as wonderful, they are trying to escape something that is going on that they do not want to deal with
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A type of immunity that results from the production of antibodies by the immune system is called immunity.



First blank is passive and the second blank is active


I just too the " Instructions"

Humoral immunity is immunity from serum antibodies produced by plasma cells. More specifically, someone who has never been exposed to a specific disease can gain humoral immunity through administration of antibodies from someone who has been exposed, and survived the same disease.

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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is abuse or aggression that occurs in a close relationship. “Intimate partner” refers to both current and former spouses and dating partners. IPV can vary in how often it happens and how severe it is. It can range from one episode of violence that could have lasting impact to chronic and severe episodes over multiple years. IPV includes four types of behavior:


Which risk may result from having a cross-connection?


Cross-connections may result in backflow that causes the contaminants to enter the pure water supply under certain conditions. A backflow is a change of pressure in a water pipe that forces water to flow opposite to its intended direction, allowing contaminants to enter the unprotected system.

Final answer:

Cross-connections, which are physical links between clean and potential sources of contamination, present several risks primarily concerning health and safety. These risks include the transmission of diseases through contaminated water or medical equipment and electrical hazards in case of improper wirings.


A cross-connection exists when there is a physical link between a clean water source and a potential source of contamination. The risks associated with cross-connections primarily relate to the health hazards of consuming contaminated water, such as disease transmission, and possibly, complications ranging from gastrointestinal issues to fatal illnesses.

For example, in health care settings, a cross-connection might involve pathogens potentially introduced into the bloodstream via contaminated catheters, dental procedures, or wounds. This connection could lead to increased risk of diseases like Hepatitis B. In more severe scenarios, cross-contamination could lead to outbreaks like the one seen in the Flint, Michigan, water crisis, where pollution in the city's water system led to widespread health issues.

Moreover, cross-connections in electrical systems also present risks, like thermal hazards where excessive electric current causes undesired heating effects or shock hazards, potentially lethal electric currents passing through a person.

Learn more about Cross-Connection here:


What is the appropriate first-aid response for a person suffering from heatstroke?- Keep the persons feet at heart level
- Have the person drink ice water
- Elevate the feet over the head
- Submerge the person in ice water


I would say submerge them in ice water


Take these steps to prevent heatstroke during hot weather:

Wear loosefitting, lightweight clothing. ...

Protect against sunburn. ...

Drink plenty of fluids. ...

Take extra precautions with certain medications. ...

Never leave anyone in a parked car. ...

Take it easy during the hottest parts of the day. ...

Get acclimated.

What is a hypothesis.


Hypothesis based on common defination is an educated guess.

A hypothesis is a educated guess