In circle C, r = 32 units. What is the area of circle C?


Answer 1
Answer: Hello!

The formula for finding area of a circle is: π · r²

r = 32
32² = 32 × 32 = 1024

π = 3.14

1024 × 3.14 = 3,215.36

Area = 3,215.36 units or 1,024π
Answer 2
Answer: Area formula = x r^(2 )
A= x.32(^2 )
A= 1024 x^{2} 

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Hi, having trouble understanding this question.. as well as solving it.Angle P and angle Q are complementary angles. The measure of angle P is one-fourth the measure of angle Q. Find the measure of each angle.

The measure of angle P is _________.

The measure of angle Q is _________.


-- You have two angles.

-- They're complementary . . . they add up to 90 degrees.

-- One is 4 times as big as the other one.

-- The smaller angle has 1 share of the 90 degrees.

-- The bigger angle has 4 shares of the 90 degrees.

-- (The smaller one is 1/4 the size of the bigger one.
   The bigger one is 4 times the size of the smaller one.)

-- When you add them together, you get 5 shares, totaling 90 degrees.

-- What's the size of each share ?  It's 90/5 = 18 degrees.

-- The smaller angle gets one share . . . 18 degrees.

-- The bigger angle gets 4 shares.   (4 x 18) = 72 degrees.


-- Is the small one 1/4 the size of the big one ?    18/72 = 1/4  Yes.

-- Are they complementary ?  Do they add up to 90 degrees ?

                                                                       18 + 72  =  90  Yes.

                                                                                 yay !
The measure of angle P and Q is given in the picture.

Draw a number line from –10 to 10. Put tick marks at each integer. Graph a point with the given coordinate. point F, coordinate –7

Which is true about point F on the number line?

Point F is 7 units to the right of 0.


Point F is 1 unit to the right of –6.


Point F is 1 unit to the left of –6.


Point F is 7 units to the left of 7.


lets try to draw a line here, now, I can draw the tick marks but you can imagine them that there are above the numbers 

-10  -9  -8  -7  -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  1 0

the answer is C

Can you please help me with this


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Answer #3

X +5+11x=12x+Y It says find the value of y that makes each equation true for all values of


x + 5 + 11x = 12x + y

Simplify: 12x + 5 = 12x + y (We are adding x and 11x on the left side)

Subtract 12x from each side makes each zero.

5 = y

So we can plug in and test. I'm picking two random numbers to plug in for x. 10, and 82

x = 10, y = 5
10 + 5 + 11(10) = 12(10) + 5
125 = 125

x = 82, y = 5
82 + 5 + 11(82) = 12(82) + 5
989 = 989

So we verified y = 5

Find the product of two numbers whose sum is 11 and diffence is 3​



7, 4.

Step-by-step explanation:

Sum of 7 and 4 is:

7 + 4 = 11

Difference of 7 & 4 is:

7  - 4 = 3

If you are given the measurements of two sides of a triangle, what will be true about the triangles you make?



they are congruent

Step-by-step explanation:

we can prove triangles congruent by sss

if we know 2 sides are congruent, the third must be congruent to the corresponding side as well (the sides have to match up)

The answer is a congruent