What observations can be made about a rock at the outcrop scale?


Answer 1

The observations that can be made about a rock at the outcrop scale is If the rocks are layered on a fine scale ,If the rocks are homogenous and If the crystals in the rock vary in size.

What are Outcrop?

An outcrop or rough outcrop is a noticeable openness of bedrock or old shallow stores on the outer layer of the Earth.

Outcrops don't cover most of the World's territory surface in light of the fact that in many spots the bedrock or shallow stores are covered by soil and vegetation and shouldn't be visible or analyzed intently. Nonetheless, where the overlying cover is taken out through disintegration or structural inspire, the stone might be uncovered, or crop out.

Such openness will happen most often in regions where disintegration is fast and surpasses the enduring rate, for example, on steep slopes, mountain edges and tops, stream banks, and structurally dynamic regions Outcrops permit direct perception and examining of the bedrock in situ for geologic examination and making geologic guides. In situ estimations are basic for legitimate examination of geographical history and outcrops are thusly critical for understanding the geologic time size of earth history.

A portion of the kinds of data that can't be gotten besides from bedrock outcrops or by exact penetrating and coring tasks, are underlying geography highlights directions (for example bedding planes, overlap tomahawks, foliation), depositional highlights directions , paleomagnetic directions. Outcrops are likewise vital for grasping fossil collections, and paleo-climate, and development.

Therefore Precise portrayal, planning, and inspecting for research facility examination of outcrops made conceivable the geologic sciences as a whole and the improvement of key geologic regulations.

Learn more about Outcrops here:



Answer 2

If the rocks are layered on a fine scale

If the rocks are homogenous

If the crystals in the rock vary in size

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Final answer:

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