10. Which of the following is true of good human relations? A. People who don't take risks suffer from negativity. B. People who don't take risks have more successful relationships. C. There are never risks involved. D. There are always risks involved


Answer 1
Answer: The answer should be D. I believe here are always a certain amount of risk involved in human relations, that is because human behaviour is not a 100% predictable. Even if there are big schemes of human personalities, so many little things can vary.
Answer 2

Correct answer is “There are always risks involved”.

Further details

As a persons life is not smooth, there are always present ups and down which he should face with patience. Because you can never be successful without facing these hardships. These are to make you more strong.

Human relations

Human relations are a significant part of our achievement. It is characterized as relations between individuals, especially in a work environment setting. Since an organization relies upon great human relations through its authoritative structure, building up these abilities is significant.

Why human relations are important?

As we know man is a social animal. He must have to keep good relations with others because if he will show negative behavior, everyone will avoid him. It is important to study about human relation so that we could learn about changes in their behaviors. Every single person is surrounded by many people for example his relatives, friends and colleagues. Only good relations can help a person to survive successful life.

Why we study human relations?

The investigation and comprehension of human relations can help us in our working environment, and therefore, help us in making progress. The better our human relations, the more probable we are to become both expertly and personally. Realizing how to coexist with others, resolve working environment struggle, oversee connections, convey well, and use sound judgment are on the whole aptitudes.

Good human relations

It can be described as positive bonding with others and showing unity, love respect, honor, tolerance for others.

Answer details

Subject: Health

Level: High school


  • Human relations
  • Why human relations are important?
  • Why we study human relations?
  • Good human relations

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8. Cirrhosis is:

A. an addiction to alcohol.

B. cancer of the liver.

C. inflammation of the liver.

D. scarring of the liver



7. D

8. D


For #7- "I can sober up by drinking black coffee, taking a cold shower or doing exercise"-these myths do NOT lower the BAC.

For #8- If you are diagnosed with cirrhosis, it means you have a condition that causes scar tissue to gradually replace your healthy liver cells.


A. a cold shower


I think it is the answer

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