A missile was fired from a submarine from 290 feet below sea level. If the missile reached a height of 17800 feet before exploding, what was the change in the altitude of the missile?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is 17510 above sea level
Answer 2

Final answer:

The missile's change in altitude from the starting point 290 feet below sea level to the final position of height 17800 feet is calculated by subtracting the initial position from the final position, resulting in a change of 18090 feet.


The subject of this question falls under the domain of Mathematics, specifically involving numerical operations. It pertains to the calculation of change in altitude. Here's your step-by-step explanation:

1. The missile's starting point is 290 feet below sea level. We represent below sea level as a negative number, so the starting altitude of the missile is -290 feet.

2. The missile then ascended to a height of 17800 feet, which is above sea level and hence positive.

3. To find the change, we subtract the initial position from the final position: 17800 - (-290) = 17800 + 290 = 18090 feet.

So, the change in altitude of the missile is 18090 feet.

Learn more about Change in Altitude here:



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10 juniors are running for 4 positions. 
There are ten people who can get into the first spot
Nine people for the second
8 people for the third
7 for the fourth
10x9x8x7= 5040 different ways. 

For the sophomores: 12x11x10x9x8= 95040
However, the positions are identical which means that the order doesn't matter. (There's a difference between A getting postion 1, B for 2, C for 3, D for 4 and B for 1, A for 2, C for 3, D for 4)

There are 5 identical positions, therefore we divide this by 5! (5x4x3x2x1)= 120
95040/120= 792
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The\ slope-point\ form:y-y_0=m(x-x_0)\ where\ m\ is\ a\ slope\n\nIf\ k:y=m_1x+b_1\ and\ l:y=m_2x+b_2\n\nk\perp l\iff m_1m_2=-1\to m_2=-(1)/(m_1)\n\ntherefore\nthe\ slope\ of\ line\ CD:y-3=-2(x-4)\ is\ m_1=-2\ and\ the\ slope\nof\ a\ line\ prpendicular\ to\ CD\ is\ m_2=-(1)/(-2)=(1)/(2)

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What is the missing value for blank x1/10 =0.026



0.26 x 1/10 =0.026

Step-by-step explanation:

  • 0.26 * 1/10 = 0.026
  • because 1/10 = 0.1
  • 0.26 * 0.1 = 0.026

George walks 11 mile to school. He leaves home at the same time each day, walks at a steady speed of 33 miles per hour, and arrives just as school begins. Today he was distracted by the pleasant weather and walked the first 1212 mile at a speed of only 22 miles per hour. At how many miles per hour must George run the last 1212 mile in order to arrive just as school begins today?


you divide 33/11 to get to then 1212/22 to get fifty five fifty firve minus to is fifty three your anser is fifty three

I need help as soon as possible with the problem bellowSimplify each of the following with justifications for your answer:
a. 290 mod 26
b. 9^{-1} mod 26
c. -15 mod 26


a)  290 mod 26

We subtract the largest multiple of 26 which is less than 290. The answer we get after the subtraction is the answer.

Largest multiple of 26 is 286, because 26 * 11 = 286

290 - 286 = 4.

290 mod 26 = 4.

b). 9^(-1)   mod 26 =   0.111  mod 26.

 0 * 26 = 0.
The largest multiple of 26 which is less than 0.111 is 0.
We subtract this from 0.111

0.111 -  0 = 0.111

9^(-1)   mod 26 =  9^(-1)  = 0.111

c). -15 mod 26.

Take note this is negative numbers. But same rules applies here.

The largest multiple of 26 which is less than -15 is -26.

We subtract this from -15

-15 - (-26) = -15 + 26 = 11

-15 mod 26 = 11

Final answer:

The results of the modulo operations are: 290 mod 26 results in 2; 9^{-1} mod 26 is equivalent to 3; and -15 mod 26 equals 11.


To simplify each of the following with justifications:

  1. 290 mod 26: When you divide 290 by 26, the remainder is 2. Therefore, 290 mod 26 = 2.
  2. 9^{-1}  mod 26: First, you need to find the multiplicative inverse of 9 in mod 26. The multiplicative inverse of an integer a modulo m is an integer b such that (ab) mod m = 1. For 9, the multiplicative inverse is 3, since (9*3) mod 26 = 27 mod 26 = 1. Therefore, 9^{-1} mod 26 = 3.
  3. -15 mod 26: In modular arithmetic, if you end up with a negative number, you add the modulus until you get a positive result. Here, adding 26 once to -15 gives you 11. Therefore, "-15 mod 26 = 11".

Learn more about Modulo Operations here:



This one just scares me how do i even figure this out?


Because the middle point is in the center of the square, the triangle containing angle 2 is isosceles and right (since two sides are equal to half the square's side length), so angle 2 measures (180-90)/2=45 degrees.


this is c

Step-by-step explanation:
