How many calories should a 11 year old eat to lose weight?


Answer 1

Well, it depends on the gender of the 11 year old too. In case its a boy average should be lower than 2200 calories per day in order to lose weight.

And if it is a girl, average should be lower than 2000 calories per day in order to lose weight. However obviously the amount of exercise the 11 year old pulls in each day is a concern too.

For example a person having lesser calories and exercising as well will lose weight way easily compared to the other who is just cutting on calories.

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. All of the following will help a person be successful in his or her fitness plan excepta. exercising with a friend.
b. choosing activities that he or she enjoys.
c. giving him/herself rewards for accomplishing fitness goals.
d. working out to the point of exhaustion at least two times per week.


options a) b) and c) represent aspects that will likely make the person have a positive attitude to the fitness plan - they are pleasant and motivating and will likely increase the change for success in following the plan.

The correct answer is:
d. working out to the point of exhaustion at least two times per week.

This is unhealthy and will likely only take away the motivation and cause the person to stop exercising.

The correct answer is D.

Working out to the point of exhaustion at least two times a week will not help anyone in becoming successful in their fitness plan. It will lead to overworking the body and potentially could cause physical harm to the body. It might also lead to the person giving up on their plan. The other options are all healthy and would be encouraged in order to meet with success in a fitness plan.

Explain why the wall test is best considered a coordination test.


By bouncing the ball to the wall, the person must coordinate what they see with their body so they will be successful at hitting the ball back to the wall. The wall test is coordination test between the eye, body and hands. If a person is not successful in repeatedly hitting the ball back to the wall it could be an indication of poor coordination.

The wall test is best considered a coordination test because when we throw anything or touching the wall we must coordinate with the eye and body.

Further Explanation:

Wall test used to check the fitness of an individual. In this, the wall is touched with an object or a person. For example, we can check belly fat through wall test. In this, we check the belly part of a body is touched first to the wall or her breast. If her belly touches to the wall first then she requires more exercise.

Coordination is the capability of an individual to move two or more body parts smoothly and efficiently. We can study the coordination typically by hand-eye or foot-eye movement.

Coordination test is used in fitness test to check the coordination between body and eyes. There are other tests also, for example, throwing power jump and vertical jump.

Wall test is considered a good example of coordination test because if we throw a ball to the wall the individual must coordinate what they see and movement with their body. If a person is not doing well in constantly hitting the ball back to the wall it could be a sign of poor coordination.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about component of health

2. Learn more about health product

3. Learn more about the factor that increases the risk of injury

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Health

Chapter: Fitness Test


Ball, coordination test, wall test, hand, eye, foot, power jump, vertical jump, fitness, belly, fat.

As a society and as individuals, what can we do to help prevent compulsive behaviours such as problem gambling?



we can do other things that are less of an issue an if we need to go to counseling
