What does it mean when something has a high pH level


Answer 1
Answer: A high pH level in the scale means that the solution or substance is more basic or more alkaline and has a bitter taste like toothpaste and soapy water.

Hope this helps :)

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(A) is a series of nerve roots in the lumbar and sacral region.

The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following EXCEPT (1 point) protecting individual species. introducing exotic species into new environments. preserving habitats and ecosystems. making sure local people benefit from conservation efforts.


Introducing exotic species into new environments is not recommended for biodiversity conservation because it can cause proliferation of invasive species. This can cause ecological problems, a threat to native organisms and it can affect the economy and human health.

The goals of biodiversity conservation include all of the following except

introducing exotic species into new environments

A human cell that contains 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome must be(A) a zygote.
(B) a somatic cell of a male.
(C) a somatic cell of a female.
(D) a sperm cell.
(E) an egg cell


Well it can't be C because the DNA of female cells do not have any Y sex chromosomes. It also can't be E because of that same reason (the egg is made by the female, so it can only contain her genes).It can't be A because zygotes are diploid (because the egg and sperm, both haploid with 23 chromosomes, fuse together to double the amount of chromosomes), so a zygote would have to have 46 chromosomes, not 23 with 22 being autosomal and 1 being allosomal/sexual like the question states. And finally, it can't be B because somatic cells are also diploid and have 46 chromosomes. Another clue it can't be B is that the question states it has only a Y chromosome, which means the cell can't be diploid because a diploid cell has two allosomal chromosomes, either XX or XY.

Final answer:

A human cell with 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is a male sperm cell. Sperm and egg cells contain 23 chromosomes, including one sex chromosome, while other cells typically have 46 chromosomes.


A human cell that contains 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is (D) a sperm cell. Human cells are normally diploid, meaning they contain 46 chromosomes: 22 pairs of autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes. Somatic cells (both male and female) have a total of 46 chromosomes, while a zygote, the cell formed after the fusion of an egg and a sperm, is also diploid. However, sperm and egg cells, which are haploid, carry only 23 chromosomes: 22 autosomes and either an X (in the case of an egg cell or a male sperm cell) or a Y (in the case of a male sperm cell) chromosome.

Learn more about Sex Chromosomes here:



The ________ theory says that all living things are composed of cells. It also says that cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things and that new cells come from existing cells. A. evolution B. Boveri–Sutton chromosome C. genetic determinism D. cell


Answer: D. cell


The cell theory suggested three proposed statements those were all living things are composed of cells, the cell is the smallest entity of life and all cells formed from the pre-existing cells. This discovery is attributed to Robert Hook, who first began the study of cells in his self constructed microscope. But two scientists named as Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann were the contributors of this theory in 1839.

(D) Cell theory says that

By 1500, what was the dominant religion in West Africa?



Islam was the dominant religion in West Africa in 1500.


  • From 639-708 C.E, Arab Muslims captured North-Africa.
  • Arab Muslims want to bring Islam to west Africa too, but they knew it would be quite hard to cross the Sahara desert.
  • Islam soon reached Ghana through Muslim missionaries and traders.
  • Ghana's king did not convert to Islam but he allowed Muslims to build homes and mosques within his kingdom.
  • Muslim merchants and traders colonized in "Kumbi" which were the huge market place of the time.
  • soon the Muslim community grew and they had 12 mosques.

Islam is the predominant religion of theWest African interior and the far west coast of the continent (70% ofWest Africans); and was introduced to the region by traders in the 9thcentury. Islam is the religion of the region's biggest ethnic groups by population.