Which will most likely result from a low pressure weather system


Answer 1

So what I've learned throughout my school life, air will rise near low-pressure areas. When the air rises it cools and usually forms clouds and with clouds might come precipitation.  

Just for fun: Warm front and cold front

Warm fronts: warm air takes the place of cold air. Usually when there is a warm front there can be dangerous weather. These usually form in the east and southerly winds push the air that is warm to the north. The warm air is above the cold air, which is denser than warm air. We all have learned, as warm air rises the vapor condenses into clouds that can produce four types of precipitation: freezing rain, sleet, rain, or snow.

Cold fronts:  most of the time when people hear the term cold front they thing of cold weather coming. That is not always true. A cold front has a warm-cold air mixture. The colder air takes the place of the warmer. You can have cold fronts in the summer. Cold fronts in the summer bring slightly cooler weather but it also brings in dryer air meaning less humidity.  A cold front in the summer can result in a thunderstorm, tornadoes, and strong winds.  In the winter cold fronts obviously bring super cold air.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

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Substance A affects the amount of the activation energy needed by the process by catalyzing the reaction. Enzymes are the natural biological catalyst that lowers the activation energy for a reaction to proceed faster at a low energy requirement.


The reactants in the solution react to form a product. For a reaction to happen some energy is needed. The energy which helps reactants to break some bonds and make other bonds to make a product is known as activation energy.

Enzymes are the biological molecules which lower this activation energy by catalyzing the reaction by helping in breaking old bonds and forming new bonds to create a product.

What can happen if an organism's population gets too big?



There are many bad consequences that may occur if a population becomes to large/over-sized

Here are a few examples:

~Shorter Supply of food and water. 

~Limited Shelter

~More predation 

These are only a few things that may happen.

Rarely, however, do we see a population get to big for its environment. Normally, nature seems to balance itself out. Even us, humans, have not become to many for the Earth we live on.

However, if over-population were to occur, then there are licensed hunters that may be put in charge, to take care of the situation. 

If an organisms population gets too big and exceeds the carrying capacity, a lot of consequences may happen, such as fighting for food, resources, but eventually some must die off.

If the population is over the carrying capacity, resources such as land, food, or water must be limited and organisms must fight for it in order to survive. And who wins? The ones that have a favorable characteristic. They survive while others die. When the number of organisms that die exceeds the number that is born, this is the death phase in a population. Death phase is very common if the initial population gets too big.

Which group of organisms includes only multicellular heterotrophs?


Kingdom Animalia represents the group of organisms that includes only multicellular organisms.

What are multicellular organisms?

  • They are organisms made up of many cells.
  • They are the opposite of single-celled organisms.

The kingdom Animalia is characterized by grouping all living organisms categorized as animals. This includes mammals, birds, and insects, among others.

All animals in the world are multicellular beings, as their bodies have many cells with different functions and abilities within the organism. This is different from unicellular organisms, for example, where a single cell is responsible for the entire organism.

Learn more about the animal kingdom:



Which evidence for the age of the earth is indicated by the fact that sedimentary rocks is found on mountain tops


Sedimentary rock forms *over time,* which means that those rocks had to form over millions of years, proving that the Earth has been forming and changing all this time.

Two test tubes are filled with a solution of bromthymol blue. A student exhales through a straw into each tube, and the bromthymol blue turns yellow. An aquatic green plant is placed in each tube, and the tubes are corked. One tube is placed in the dark, and the other tube is placed in direct sunlight. The yellow solution in the tube in sunlight turns blue, while the one in the dark remains yellow. Which statement best explains why the solution in the tube placed in sunlight returns to a blue color?Question 11 options:

Oxygen was produced by photosynthesis.

Oxygen was removed by respiration.

Carbon dioxide was removed by photosynthesis.

Carbon dioxide was produced by respiration.



The plant is utilizing CO2 in photosynthesis

Photosynthesis produces glucose and O2 from inorganic CO2, light energy and water.

6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Bromothymol blue, an acid indicator, goes from blue to yellow when reacting with acid. The color change in sunlight  confirmed the use of CO2, dissolved within the solution as carbonic acid- its removal from the solution makes the more basic, and the solution goes from yellow (acidic) to blue (alkaline).

CO2 + H2O ↔ H2CO3

Further Explanation:

Photosynthesis is a chemical pathway that’s integral to producing energy in plants and other primary producers. Energy in the form of molecules of glucose is produced from light, water and carbon dioxide while oxygen is released.

Occuring in several complex steps, photosynthesis is a rate limited reaction, it depends on several factors including carbon dioxide concentration, ambient temperature and light intensity; the energy is retrieved from photons, I.e. particles of light, and water is used as a reducing agent. Water supplies chlorophyll in plant cell with replacement electrons for the ones removed from photosystem II.


  • water (H2O) split by light during photolysis into H+ and OH- acts as a source of oxygen along with functioning as a reducing agent; it reduces the molecule NADP to NADPH by providing H+ ions and produces molecules of the energy storage molecule ATP through an electron transport chain.
  • This occurs in the thykaloids, where pigment molecules like chlorophyll reside.
  • Later, in dark reactions, NADP and NADPH are used in the Calvin cycle where monosaccharides or sugars like glucose are produced after the modification of several molecules. These store energy in their bonds, which can be released in respiration in the mitochondria.

In all eukaryotic cells mitochondria are small cellular organelles bound by membranes, these make most of the chemical energy required for powering the biochemical reactions within the cell. This chemical energy is stored within the molecule ATP which is produced. Respiration in the mitochondria utilizes oxygen for the production of ATP in the Krebs’s cycle via the oxidization of pyruvate( through the process of glycoysis). The electron transport chain, in which oxygen functions as the terminal electron acceptor occurs in both plants and animals.

Learn more about photosynthesis at brainly.com/question/4216541

Learn more about cellular respiration at brainly.com/question/11203046

Learn more about cellular life at brainly.com/question/11259903


What characterizes a cold glacier?


Answer:  Cold glaciers are found in the regions  with higher latitudes and experience less seasonal variation in temperature than those of  the lower altitudes.

They also move due to the internal flow rather than the basal slippage. They get freezed to the bedrock and they do not experience the same melting.

They move due to the action of gravity and the pressure exertion by the accumulation of ice.

They move at the speed of 2 cm a day.

On the slopes of a mountain, the snowflake lands on a glacier. ... In extremely coldregions, a glacier's ice is often frozen to bedrock, which hampers its flow.