Whats the rapper "Nav" full name and birthday and location of birth ?


Answer 1

Nav  is a Canadian hip-hop artist, his full name is Navraj Singh Goraya  he was born November 3, 1989 (28 years) in Toronto, Ontario.

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hola me pueden ayudar con esta tarea porfavor  Escribe las siguientes oraciones colocando las comillas donde sea preciso. 1)El agente me preguntó: ¿Tiene usted algo que declarar? 2)No tengo muy claro qué es eso de la movida madrileña. 3)Los secuestradores se refugiaron en un camping. 4)El poema que más me gusta es La canción del pirata. 5)El cuento comienza así: Érase una vez una niña muy fuerte... 6)Le pusieron una multa por no respetar la señal de stop 7)La película de hoy se llama: Almas de metal. 8)Mi hobby es la construcción de maquetas de trenes. 9)El estado soy yo se atribuye a Luis XIV. 10) Dice el refrán: A buen hambre, no hay pan duro.  Escribe las siguientes oraciones colocando los paréntesis que faltan 1)Las próximas Olimpiadas 2008 serán en Madrid. 2)La CEE Comunidad Económica Europea se fundó en 1957. 3)Los relativos que, cual, quien, cuyo son enlaces subordinantes. 4)Los seres vivos animales y plantas están compuestos en gran parte por agua. 5) La célebre batalla de Lepanto fue ganada por el hijo del rayo de la guerra Don Juan de Austria.


Corrected the first set with quotes for direct speech and titles. Added parentheses in the second set for clarification. These punctuation changes enhance sentence structure and understanding.

Here are the sentences with the necessary quotes:

The agent asked me, "Do you have anything to declare?"

I'm not very clear about what the Madrid scene is.

The kidnappers took refuge in a campsite.

The poem I like the most is "The Pirate's Song."

The story begins like this: "Once upon a time there was a very strong girl..."

They gave her a fine for not respecting the stop sign.

Today's movie is called: "Metal Souls."

My hobby is building model trains.

The statement "The state is me" is attributed to Louis XIV.

He says the saying: "If you are hungry, there is no stale bread."

And here are the sentences with the missing parentheses added:

The next (2008) Olympics will be in Madrid.

The EEC (European Economic Community) was founded in 1957.

The relatives (that, which, who, whose) are subordinate links.

Living beings (animals and plants) are largely composed of water.

The famous battle of Lepanto was won by the son of the lightning bolt of war (Don Juan of Austria).

In the first set of sentences, I added quotes where necessary to correctly punctuate direct speech and titles. This ensures clarity and proper grammar in each sentence.

Quotes are used to enclose direct speech or indicate the title of a work, such as a poem or movie.

In the second set of sentences, I inserted missing parentheses to clarify and specify certain terms or acronyms.

Parentheses are used to provide additional information or explanations within a sentence. This helps readers understand the context and meaning of the text.

In both sets of sentences, the use of quotes and parentheses enhances readability and ensures that the intended message is conveyed accurately.

for such more question on direct speech



Answer:a mi me aparecio una de estas preguntas y esta bien complicado


Formal balance is _______________a. the linear symmetry of an images, so that two halves are mirror images of each other.
b. the aesthetics and stability of an object or structure.
c. the arrangement of the elements so that no one part overpowers or seems heavier.
d. the pleasing composition of parts or objects.


Although all of the answers are more or less correct, the one most correct is a. the linear symmetry of an images, so that two halves are mirror images of each other. Basically, it's when you have a picture in which a thing has its mirror image next to it and you don't know which side is the real one and which is the mirror image. Both are equally important and carry the weight of the composition.

Formal balance is a. the linear symmetry of an images, so that two halves are mirror images of each other.

What is formal balance ?

Formal balance, often referred to as symmetrical balance, is a principle of design where the elements used on one side of a central axis are replicated on the other side in the same arrangement. Essentially, if you were to draw a line down the center of the design, the two halves would be mirror images of each other.

This type of balance can create a sense of harmony and stability in a composition but can also run the risk of being visually monotonous if overused. It's often employed in various forms of art and design, including architecture, painting, and graphic design.

Option A is correct.

Find out more on formal balance at brainly.com/question/13560875


What was the focal point of the building in most central plan churches?


the focal point of the building in most central plan churches was the DOME

Like many twentieth-century artists, the Fauves broke new ground. How did Fauvist Henri Matisse ignore accepted conventions of traditional art in The Red Room?


fauvism used arbitrary use of color, and also the foreground was just as busy as the background, so it was hard to distinguish the 2. This can be seen in the goldfish by Matisse. There is a random, non sense use of color, and the background is just as busy as the foreground


The Answer is The Fauves used intense, expressive colors that are not realistic.

Explanation: I know the answer because I did the quiz, and checked the Quizlet

Rhythm and blues was called _______ until the end of the forties.
