How did the English overcome the Spanish armada


Answer 1





That is 100% for connections students

Answer 2
Answer: They built a huge army and they had the best fighter on their side.

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How is Brutus's internal conflict in the play resolved? A. Before leaving Sardis, he recognizes that he should have sided with Caesar rather than the conspirators. B. Just before his death, he accepts his actions and feels as if he was true to his principles. C. At Philippi, he sees that he was wrong to let Antony speak at Caesar's funeral. D. In Rome, he realizes that he must let go of his jealousy of Caesar.


How is Brutus's internal conflict in the play resolved? A. Just before his death, he accepts his actions and feels as if he was true to his principles. B. Before leaving Sardis, he recognizes that he should have sided with Caesar rather than the conspirators. C. At Philippi, he sees that he was wrong to let Antony speak at Caesar's funeral. D. In Rome, he realizes that he must let go of his jealousy of Caesar. It is positively (B)!
The answer is B Hope i helped :D

Strategies to improve water quality in the region include


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Which term defines a medicine that can be bought without a doctors permission?A. Prescription
B. Over-the-counter
C. Antibiotic
D. Vaccine


The correct term for a medicine that can be bout without a doctors permission is B) Over-the-counter. Hope I helped!!

The answer is :  B Over-the-counter .

How is chemical warfare still used today?


This chemical warfare used today is poisaonis gas. This gas is spreaded over countries or were ever they want to, but they have to water a mask otherwise they wii die to. The gas makes your body not work and you die and now its easier cleaning. Also it won't harm any buildings just the living things. I hoped I helped.
Poisonous Gas is used to kill the enemies. This gas could not harm the people who release it as long as they wear gas masks.

Which ethnic group was not rounded up by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps?A.





The ethnic group that was not rounded up by the Nazis and sent to concentration camps was A. Aryans. Nazi race theory saw many groups as ’undesirables’: Jews, black Germans, homosexuals, and the mentally and physically disabled. They were not supposed to be part of the new ‘racially pure’ Germany. The Aryans were the ones whom the Nazis wanted to be the only race in Germany.

aryans,because,jew were in concentration camps as slaves,well jews were in the camps,and they were slaves in thier to(so jews(C)is marked off,and slaves(D) is also marked off as!,like the jews,the roma gypsies were chosen for total annihilation solely because of their race.even though jews are difined by religion,hitler the jewish people as a race the he beleived need to be completly annihilated.likewise the roma gypsies were a nomadic people that were persecuted throughout history .both groups were denied  racially inferior and degnerate and therefore worthless.the gypseis were also moved to a special areas set up by the nazis and half a million of them-representing almost the entire eastern european gypsy population -was wiped out during the holocaust,so!!! you're answer is,,,,,,A.ARYANS

How did geography affect trade in China?


China's rugged mountain ranges, like Tian Tze and the Himilayas worked as a barrier to the outside world. The Gobi Dessert was another natural barrier, as well as Siberia, a still frozen tundra. Because of this, it was very hard for Merchants to trade. They had to either cross the tundra, dessert, or mountain, or they had to sail around all of China by boat. When China developed the Silk Road, trading was much easier.

Final answer:

Geography played a significant role in shaping trade in China. The diverse terrain and climates influenced not only the kinds of goods produced but also the trade routes, such as the Silk Roads. The Qing dynasty marked a significant shift in international trade regulations, opening China up to new European markets.


Geography significantly influenced trade in China. The nation's diverse terrains and climates have fueled regional variations in culture and resources. The vast stretches of deserts, mountains, grasslands, and river systems, particularly the Yellow and the Yangtze Rivers, have significantly shaped the trade patterns and economic growth of the region. The Silk Roads, which span across these varied geographical terrains, served as a major trade route where Chinese manufactured goods such as lacquerware, silk, floss, paper, porcelain, and iron tools were traded.

China's relatively self-sufficient economy, large enough to meet the needs of the state and its people, played a significant role in shaping the trade dynamics with other nations, often leading to a trade power balance skewed in favor of East Asia. Nevertheless, it's important to note that due to the vast size and diverse terrain of China, each region had unique advantages and challenges. Some became hubs of cotton and silk production while others focused on producing porcelain and other goods.

Throughout its history, various Chinese dynasties made strategic efforts to control trade and economic growth. The Qing dynasty, for example, opened China to new European markets, lifting prohibitions on trade with the western nations.

Learn more about China Trade and Geography here: