PLZ HURRY Governments create public policy to address issues in what three main areas? foreign, domestic, and social economic, foreign, and education social, economic, and foreign foreign, transportation, and social


Answer 1


  • Social
  • Economic
  • Foreign


The foundation of public policy is composed of national constitutional laws and regulations.

Further substrates incorporate both judicial elucidations and guidelines which are commonly approved by legislation. Public policy is viewed as solid when it takes care of issues proficiently and viably, serves and supports legislative establishments and strategies, and encourages active citizenship.

Answer 2

Issues in a nation are addressed when the government creates policy in the areas of social, economic, and foreign.

What is government policy?

This refers to the various methods that the government uses to fulfill its purpose of leading the people.

There are domestic policies which govern the nation's internal environment, foreign policies which dictate how the nation relates to other nations, and economic policies to move the nation's economy forward.

Find out more on economic policies at

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In this quotation, Beatty is suggesting that true equality can only be achieved by eliminating individuality and differences among people. He believes that by conforming to a standardized way of thinking and living, society will avoid conflicts and maintain harmony. Beatty argues that books, with their diverse ideas and perspectives, disrupt this desired uniformity and create divisions among people.

Personally, I disagree with Beatty's point of view. While it is true that books can introduce conflicting ideas and challenge established norms, they also provide opportunities for growth, critical thinking, and empathy. Books have the power to broaden our understanding of the world, expose us to different cultures and experiences, and inspire us to question the status quo. By suppressing individuality and diversity of thought, society would stagnate and fail to progress.

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In conclusion, while Beatty's speech presents a compelling argument against the value of books, I disagree with his viewpoint. I believe that books are essential for personal growth, intellectual development, and societal progress. They should be embraced as a means to expand our perspectives and encourage critical thinking rather than feared as a threat to conformity.

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The correct answer to this open question is the following.

President Wilson's worries about how the terms of the Treaty of Versailles concerned him because it contained seeds of possible future conflict. The information that supported this concern was that the terms of the Treaty of Versailles were harsher than the "14 Points PLan" that had been elaborated by President Woodrow Wilson. The Allies did not really want a peace agreement after World War 1. What they really wanted was retribution and made Germany pay for all the war damage and destruction.