What caused Franklin Delano Roosevelt to become paralyzed?a. polio
b. a fall from a horse
c. a car accident
d. scarlet fever


Answer 1
Answer: It was "A. Polio" that caused Franklin Delano Roosevelt to become paralyzed, since this was during a time where there was no vaccination for the disease--as there is today. 

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- This was after and while dealing with two world wars. 
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the united states abolished slavery by passing the 13th amendment in 1865




i took the exam review and got a 100

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what are the answer choices?

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one major effect of the industrial revolution on the u.s agriculture in the late 1800s was a decrease in size of farms, since a graet deal of domestic capital was being shifted to the developmeant and operation of factories.
One great effects was the steam trains , and the steam boats, they really made traveling and transporting goods and weapons or food faster and easier.

i hope this helps you?