Tornados, earthquakes, hurricanes, wildfires, tsunamis are examples of?


Answer 1
Answer: Sounds like natural disasters. 

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Geographical space poses a challenge to many service companies because:

c) It is difficult to reach all customers.

When computer mapmakers digitize map data, they __________.a. find latitude and longitude
b. convert the data into computer language
c. make new map projections
d. compare satellite images


Digitizing is the process of converting features on a paper map into digital format.

When computer mapmakers digitize map data, they  convert the data into computer language .  Correct answer: B In order to do this digitizing tablet (also known as a digitizer) connected to your computer is needed. This digitzier will trace over the features. The x,y coordinates of the features are automatically recorded and stored as spatial data.

Why do many people in the Caribbean leave their islands?



Heaps of individuals choose to leave their homes in the Caribbean islands and move to different nations, for the most part USA and Canada, in light of various variables.  


Corruption, in a large portion of the islands is far reaching, and furthermore there's huge impacts by the swarms.  Poor economy and extremely constrained selections of working environments.  Weather conditions, on the grounds that relatively consistently the greater part of the islands experience the ill effects of tropical storms and have huge misfortunes financially, and there's bunches of losses.

Lots of people decide to leave their homes in the Caribbean islands and migrate to other countries, mostly USA and Canada, because of multiple factors. Some of them include:
- Corruption, in most of the islands is very wide spread, and also there's big influences by the mobs.
- Poor economy and very limited choices of workplaces.
- Weather conditions, because almost every year most of the islands suffer from hurricanes and have enormous losses economically, and there's lots of casualties.

Where was it first discovered that the earth's ozone layer was being depleted? africa antarctica south america australia





Since the Industrial Revolution period, humans have contributed to the destruction of the Ozone Layer. The release of carbon dioxide, nitric and nitrous oxides, and chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere make it impossible to renew ozone, allowing ultraviolet rays to penetrate the planet's surface with greater intensity.

In 1987, researchers first observed the existence of a large hole in the Ozone Layer in the Antarctic area. From then on, several surveys concluded that the ozone level has been decreasing in other parts of the planet.

Antarctica was the first to realize that the Ozone layer was being depleted in the 1980's

How does cutting down trees for firewood contribute to desertification in the sahel​


Removal of wood - in developing countries, people use wood for cooking. As the population in desert areas increases, there is a greater need for fuel wood. When the land is cleared of trees, the roots of the trees no longer hold the soil together so it is more vulnerable to soil erosion .

The rate of cooling as you increase in elevation is called



It is called the envireonmental lapse rate of tempature