I have lungs but no legs. My offspring are found in membranous-shelled eggs and use lungs to breathe.


Answer 1
Answer: its a snake. snakes have lungs and a foot but no legs. its offspring are in eggs

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Which of the following is a hypothesis that you could form about how soilacidity affects the growth of blueberries?




Most hypothesis involves the statement of a problem. It is one of the easiest way to explain results from experiments and a pool of observation.

To create a hypothesis about how soil acidity affects the growth of blueberries, we must bear in mind the follow:

The dependent variable is the growth of the blueberries.

The independent variables are the chemicals we might be adding to the soil to increase the acidity.

Our best hypothesis would be "how the addition of different pH of acid to soil affects the growth of blueberries".

Which is a process that causes an organism’s poorly suited characteristics to disappear?death rate


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The answer to your question is c , Natural selection

How could you separate items that are different densities? Explain.


If they are liquids, you can pour them all into one container and they will separate themselves into different layers according to their density. The liquid with the lowest density will rise to the top.

Final answer:

Items of different densities can be separated by methods like the density column or using a liquid medium with a density in between the solids. High-density items sink, and low-density items float, enabling easy separation.


You can separate items of different densities by using a method called density column. This method involves stacking liquids of different densities on top of one another. For example, if you have oil and water, both liquids would not mix due to their different densities. Water has a higher density than oil, so oil will float on top of the water. You then could separate the two by carefully siphoning off the oil on top.

Similarly, if you have a mixture of solids with different densities, you can use a liquid medium that has a density between the two solids. The solid with the higher density will sink, whereas the solid with a lower density will float, allowing for easy separation.

Learn more about Density here:



Create a sentence about a cat for each type of figurative language



  1. Simile: it describes something comparing it to something else. It usually uses the words like or as.  "That cat is as big as a panther!"
  2. Metaphor: it describes a subject or action figuratively by making a comparison. "That cat is a panther"
  3. Hyperbole: is the exaggeration of ideas in order to make an emphasis. "That cat is bigger than a panther!"
  4. Personification: is when you give human atributes to an idea or animal. "That cat prances like a beauty queen"
  5. Allitration: occurs when words that have the same first consonant sound, are close together. "Calmly having a catnap, the cat is clawing at the curtains"

I hope you find this information useful and interesting! Good luck!

1.) OnomatopoeiaThe use of words whose sounds suggest their meanings.

Meow purred the cat as I scratched behind it's ear.

2.) Personification
A figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to an object, animal or idea.

The cat rolled it's eyes at it's humans obnoxious behaviour.

3.) Alliteration
The repetition of sounds/letters at the beginning of a word.

The keeper couldn’t keep all the cats in their cages.

4.) Pun - A play on words.

You have cat to be kitten me right now!

5.)Hyperbole - An over-exaggeration.

The cat jumped so high I swore it was going to the moon!

6.) Idiom
A figurative meaning of the connotation of the word. (Different from the literal meaning.)

Well, she sure is another breed of cat, I'll tell you that!

(omg it rhymes too how exciting !!)

7.) Simile - 
A comparison using like or as.

The cat's fur was as dark as night.

8.) Metaphor - 
A comparison not using like or as.

The cat's fur was a blanket of warmth!!

Hope these examples helped !! :-)

What is relativity exactly


the absence of standards of absolute and universal application.

1. Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?a. When heat is transferred from the surroundings to the system, q is negative.
b. Heat is transferred from the system to the surroundings in an endothermic
c. The SI unit of specific heat capacity is calories per gram (cal/g).
d. Specific heat capacity is a positive value for liquids and a negative value for
e. The larger the heat capacity of an object, the more energy it takes it is to
cause a ten degree increase in temperature,



I think d is correct answer