High maternal stress during pregnancy has been linked with a higher risk of having a child with


Answer 1
Answer: Low birth weight, cleft lip and spina bifida.

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1. Explain how the oceans affect climate.

2. What factors determine Earth's climate?


Answer-Sea flows act a lot of like a transport line, moving warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the posts and cold water from the shafts back to the tropics. In this manner, sea flows manage worldwide atmosphere, assisting with balancing the lopsided dissemination of sun powered radiation arriving at Earth's surface.

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there are actually three types of cells that muscles could be made of, it could be skeletal/striated, cardiac and smooth.

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An asexually reproducing single celled organism produces 10 offspring in its lifetime.

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An asexually reproducing single celled organism produces 10 offspring in its lifetime.

Overpopulation impacts the environment primarily bylimiting land available for crops.
destroying natural resources.
causing the removal of trees.
interfering with normal plant growth.


The correct answer is: impacts the environment primarily by destroying natural resources, since this includes the removal of trees along with other important things like drinking water. Unfortunately people try to get resources using harmful techniques despite the deep danger this means for the planet.




What is the driving force of photosynthesis


The driving force of photosynthesis is SUNLIGHT ENERGY.

Green plants have the capacity to manufacture their own foods, through the process of photosynthesis, as the result of chlorophyll which their cells contain. The chlorophyll has the ability to trap the energy from the sun and use it to drive the process of photosynthesis. The major function of sunlight in photosynthesis is to break down the water molecules and turn them into high energy electrons that are capable of forming ATP molecules.

The driving force of photosynthesis is the energy that is contained in sunlight. This energy is transformed to energy that plants and other organisms use to live. 

Biotic potential and _____ determine _____. A.environmental resistance; rate of increase B.distribution; carrying capacity C.environmental resistance; carrying capacity


Biotic potential and environmental resistance determine the carrying capacity.  

The maximum capacity of reproduction of a species under adequate environmental conditions is known as biotic potential. On the other hand, environmental resistance is a factor or things that restrict the growth of a population. These comprise disease, predators, lack of food, and competition.  

These both determine the carrying capacity of a species. It is the maximum size of the population of the species, which the environment can maintain indefinitely, provided the habitat, food, and other important components accessible in the surroundings.  

I want to say A. well biotic potential means the max. reproductive capacity of a population in certain environmental conditions. so there has to be some sort of resistance if the population is increasing