The most reliable method of research in lexicography is the mechanicalexpositoryhistoricalscientific method.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is definitely the historical method.

You should observe words and their usage as it developed throughout history.

Answer 2

The correct answer is C. Historical method


The word "lexicography" refers to the discipline in charge of analyzing the way the lexicon (words and vocabulary) relate and evolved in a language and at the same time compiling and writing dictionaries that reflect the relationship between words. This means the lexicography focuses on understand vocabulary and how his changes or is used in different contexts and historical periods. Because of this, it is common lexicographers who are interested in analyzing or researching any aspect of vocabulary rely on historical methods as words evolved over time, are linked to historical processes and derive from ancient languages such as Greek or Latin and therefore studying the evolution and origin of words it is possible to understand its use and even compile words in specialized dictionaries. Thus, it can be concluded the most reliable method of research in lexicography is the "Historical method".

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We drink water change in to past continuous tense​.



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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. It helps to change the tone of the poem from calm and carefree to sinister and menacing." the effect of the underlined section in developing the tone of this excerpt from "In a Queen's Domain" by Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt is that It helps to change the tone of the poem from calm and carefree to sinister and menacing."


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I got this question correct

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The correct answer is to B. De-emphasize the subject.

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