The chemical breakdown of food is called _______.a. sensory digestions
b. chemical digestion
c. peripheral digestion
d. mechanical digestion


Answer 1

Chemical digestion is the chemical breakdown of food 

Good luck and hopefully this helped.

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i belive he used the first microscopes but im not positive that is what your asking




A microscope


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The correct answer is ‘structure and function are tied together or related in living things'. The structure of the beaks of finches in the Galapagos are tied to their functions; for example, if they have to go inside narrow plants or spaces, they are longer and thinner.


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diffusion because it will go from high areas of concentration to areas of low concentration

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b. dissect.
c. diverge.
d. reverse.


The answer is c. diverge.

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a. Diverge, is the answer to the question.

How is a pedigree chart interpreted?



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