Which of the following statements most accurately describes the message of this cartoon?


Answer 1


If it's the image with a woman being threatened by a snake the answer is A.  Monopolies are a threat to the American way of life.


Answer 2

I need the cartoon to answer please


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1 a. Stamp act was to impose a stamp on every paper colonists buy. 
   b. To pay the debt the british had which is for them to make money because they didn't have enough money.
2 a. The Townshed Act was designed to collect revenue from colonists by putting duties on imported goods such as glass,leads etc... 
   b. The colonists protested "No taxation without representation" which is for colonists also to have  vote on what the parliament passes.
3 a.It was fight between patriots and loyalists, the patriots started throwing mobs, stone at the loyalists which began the massacre.
   b.It helped unite colonies unite against britian.

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