Why do science textbooks tend to focus on three states of matter rather than four?


Answer 1

Science textbooks tend to focus on three states of matter rather than four because they have been present extensively in nature, and are responsible for the majority of actions.

The matter is anything that has mass and occupies space. The matter can be present in 3 states, namely:

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas

The solid-state of matter has been the one responsible for the tight bond between the atoms. The solid-state of matter has been found to have a tough structure.

The liquid-state of matter has been the one having the one that has loosely bonded atoms, as compared to the solid atom. The liquid state has fixed volume but can acquire the shape of any utensils in which it has been placed.

The gases are very loosely bonded atoms. The air has been the best example of the gaseous state of matter.

These three states have been present extensively in nature, and are responsible for the majority of actions. Thus, they have been focused on in the science textbooks.

However, the fourth state of matter has been plasma, It has been the ionized gas state existing between the solid and gas. The state has not been existing much in nature, thus has not been focused on.

For more information about the states of matter, refer to the link:


Answer 2
Answer: There are three states of matter:

- Solid
- Liquid
- Gas

There is also one more, which is not mentioned much:

- Plasma

This state of matter is not mentioned much because it is not found in a large amount. We can't see plasma. It has properties that are different than the other states. 

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Drosophila eye color is an X-linked trait. Red eye color is dominant, and white eye color is recessive when two parents have the genotype of allele like XXi  XY in which the Xi will be the allele for the 25% of red eye color.


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HELP ASAP 20 PTS!!!Fireworkium (Fw): This element has 15 protons and 15 electrons in its neutral atom.

Toothium (T): This is a nonmetal with an average atomic mass number close to 19.

Floatium (Fl): This is a gas that the aliens often use to fill balloons and blimps. It contains two protons in its nucleus.

Breathium (Bt): This element is a nonmetal and has one less proton than an atom of Toothium and has an atomic mass close to 16 amu.

Lightium (Lg): This is a gas that does not react with other elements. It glows when it is heated in a lamp or vacuum tube. It contains one more proton in its nucleus than Toothium.

Rottoneggium (Re): This is a nonmetal with one less electron than Mustarium. It has a total of 16 electrons in its electron cloud.

I honestly don't understand


Basically they are asking you to find the element that is most closely associated with these clues.

1. Fireworkium: 15 protons and 15 electrons? No problem. We can see that the atomic number is 15, in which in real life, the element is Phosphorous. (Phosphorous is a common element in fireworks for an explosive personality and colors)

2. Toothium: A nonmetal with average mass number close to 19? We check the periodic table once more and find that Fluorine is our answer. (Notice that fluorine is in toothpaste, which is why they decided the name Toothier)

3. Breathium: Now honestly, I didn't even have to check the periodic table but just realize that we breath Oxygen. But if you want the straight answer, Oxygen is a nonmetal which has an atomic mass close to 16, and surprise, it has one less proton than Fluorine.

4.Lightium: Immediately we see that since this gas does not react with other elements, it is a noble gas. If it glows in a lamp or vacuum tube, we can also see it is of a light origin. If it has one more proton than Toothium (Fluorine) than we can immediately see that in the periodic table, our answer is Neon.

5. Rottoneggium: We can immediately guess sulfur. The straight way shows that it has 16 electrons, and the non-ion atom should also have 16 protons. Therefore, our answer is Sulfur.

6. I just realized I forgot Floatium: If it has 2 protons, we look in the periodic table and see that our answer is Helium.

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