Help me finish these sentences. 1. Our health-care provider 2. She was offered a part-time position


Answer 1
Answer: 1. Our health-care provider tried to give us the best price. 
2. She was offered a part-time position because of the efficiency on the job.
Answer 2
Answer: 3.she took the job and became very successful

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Scanning functional text involves reading it carefully to take in all the main ideas.Bolded words are used to de-emphasize content. Technical directions offer step-by-step instruction on how to prepare, assemble, or use a product. Reading strategies, but not textual features, can make understanding functional text easier.

I hurried out with him and got him a bicycle, and he flew off down Sixteenth Street on it, his legs so short that his feet could only follow the pedals half way round. I went back to my chambers to wait. . . . The authors’ most likely purpose for including the image in paragraph 8 is to


add comic relief


emphasize the innocence of the children


evoke nostalgia in the reader


present a satirical image reflecting the conflict


add credibility to the subject of this piece

Please explain why as well



B. emphasizes the innocence of the children.


  • In Ben B. Lindsey's (the author) story, he reflects the innocence of children of how they try to paddle the bicycle with small feet.

Read this line from the prologue of Romeo and Juliet.A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life;



Having heard this line in the prologue, the audience can predict that the two lovers will not have a happy ending to their story and not survive at the end.


William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" revolves around the story of two lovers who stayed loyal to each other despite their family's feuding history. And through this faithful love, the two young characters met a fateful death, choosing death rather than live without the other.

The prologue states "Two households, both alike in dignity,

In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

From forth the fatal loins of these two foes

A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;"

This clearly states that the lovers will meet their deaths, with their love turning "fatal" for them. Moreover, it also reveals that they will die with their own decision, "tak[ing] their life".

Thus, the prologue enables the readers to predict that the lovers will no survive at the end of the story.





Both petroleum and coal are made up of complex carbon-based molecules, and both originated with living creatures of some kind. Both are vital sources of energy for the modern world and both were formed by geologic processes over millions of years. However, petroleum was mainly formed from the remains of ocean-dwelling microorganisms. Coal, on the other hand, originated from decayed vegetation in ancient swamps and bogs. In any case, it took millions of years for both coal and oil to be produced. This is the case because it took that much time for overlying sediments to produce the unimaginable heat and pressure that would one day allow us to harvest these energy resources. 4. What is one clue word or phrase in the passage that indicates a contrast? A. In any case B. However C. Because D. Both


The correct answer is B. However. This is because However implies a contrast as it requires something different and/or opposite to happen afterwards. It is similar to "even though", "although", and other synonymous words.

Which of the following is an example of an absolute adjective?A. Bad
B. Wrong
C. High
D. Kind


An absolute adjective is an adjective that cannot have varying levels. Therefore, your answer is B: Wrong.
B Wrong it wiring why couseit I'd

Read the following excerpt from an argumentative essay. Answer the question that follows: Critics might say that smart phones in the classroom cause too many distractions. A 2009 article in Education Magazine made just such a claim. Although cell phones can certainly cause distractions, current research suggests that teachers and students are putting phones to better use. A 2013 Educator Insider poll reveals that 67% of high school instructors now encourage students to use phones in the classroom setting. Students without phones are actually at a disadvantage in the classroom. The poll lists Internet access, spell checks, and collaboration as three key uses of smart phones in an educational setting.

Based on this excerpt, what is most likely the original claim the author made in this argument?

Cell phones are awesome for many cool reasons.
Cell phones are a major cause of distraction.
Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom.
Cell phones should not be allowed in the classroom.


Based on the excerpts above, it appears that the writer is trying to advocate the use of smartphones in the classroom setting. The writer believes that the benefits of the smartphones outweigh the disadvantages.

C. Cell phones should be allowed in the classroom.  

When looking at the content above, we can see it has the typical argumentative/persuasive format where the opposing viewpoint is given first and is then followed by a refute/rebuttal.  The viewpoint the author would be against is the view that cell phones should not be in the classroom, and this can easily be determined by the points that follow condoning classroom use and counter the content beginning the paragraph.  

[I]n the great Sperm Whale, this high and mighty god-like dignity inherent in the brow is so immensely amplified, that gazing on it, in that full front view, you feel the Deity and the dread powers more forcibly than in beholding any other object in living nature. Which Dark Romantic theme is reflected in the excerpt?


Many dark romantic themes are reflected in this excerpt. Most notably mystical presence, the overwhelming power of nature, dread and discomfort, etc.