Mark each statement if it is an advantage of Byzantium's location.Choose all answers that are correct.

a. The bodies of water offered opportunities for easy travel.

b. The location made it easier to defend the empire.

c. The location provided opportunities for trade with Europe, China, and Africa.

d. The location offered opportunities for controlling movement in and around the territory.
is this one a and d?


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is A, C, and D

A. The bodies of water offered opportunities for easy travel - True, They have the Mediterranean and the Black sea

B. The location made it easier to defend the empire - Not true, no data to support it. Usually the empires that are easiest to defend are those that surrounded by mountains and hills

C. The location provided opportunities to trade with Europe, China , And Africa 0 True, Byzantium exactly located in the crossroad of Europe, Asia, And Africa

D.location provided the opportunity to control the movements all around the territory - True, Again they were located exactly in the middle of the crossroad between Asia, Europe, and Africa

Answer 2
Answer: The statements which depict an advantage of Byzantium's location were the fact that the location provided opportunities for trade with Europe, China, and Africa but it also provided for plenty of opportunities for controlling movement in and around the territory - D. 

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Three of the Four Noble Truths taught by Buddha are stated below. Which one is NOT one of his Four Noble Truths?A. Pain and suffering are inevitable because desire cannot be ended
B. life if full of pain and suffering
C. pain and suffering can be stopped by ending desire
D. desire is a cause of pain and suffering


if you look at options A and C you can notice that they're contradictory, so they can't both be true, therefore the correct answer must be one of them.
The correct answer is in fact a): desire can be ended, unlike what the option says, and the end to desire is what Buddha was advocating for.

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since you didn't specify one, I'll give you a little challenge: global climate change. 

yes...this is not a "historical" answer, but please bear with me as you may learn something quite a bit more useful than a history lesson... 

climate change is a very trendy topic now....and many of its proponents are absolutely convinced of its "science".. 

...however, for many this absoute faith in the "science" translates all-too-easily into an absolute faith in the righteousness of the proposed "solutions"... 

...for example, president obama recently celebrated his participation in a "landmark" international accord to combat climate change... many of his supporters lauded him for "taking a stand against global corporations and their exploitation of people and natural resources..." 

great.... right? 

this agreement contained two provisions that seemingly went unnoticed.... first, nations considered "developing" will not have to comply with the strict emmisions restrictions... second, all nations are required to designate a certain percentage of their natural forests & jungles as untouchable "preserves." 

sounds good.... right? please think it through... 

the agreement gives these nations the authority to displace any indigenous peoples who just happen to call those "preserves" home... over a million people are expected to be kicked off their ancestral lands in DR Congo alone. 

keep in mind that most of these people will be illiterate hunter-gatherers ... how do you think they will manage to support themselves? 

guess what? because those nations will not be required to meet environmental standards, a bunch of new factories, mines and refineries are sure to open up there....and they'll have all the cheap labor they could ever need! Yay! 

and guess who owns those businesses? that's right, mega-corporations...guess who those corporations support? that's right... the very politicians who signed the climate change deal! 

so you were asking about how "pseudo science" supports/justifies exploitation and imperialism? the old rhyme goes: the wheels on the bus keep on going 'round and 'round... don't they?

Which war was documented as the shortest war in history


The Anglo-Zanzibar War was fought between the United Kingdom and the Zanzibar Sultanate on 27 August 1896. The conflict lasted around 40 minutes, marking it as the shortest war in history.

According to what agreement would the United States have to declare war against any nation that attacked Great Britain? A.Warsaw Pact
B.Marshall Plan
C.Declaration of Human Rights
D.the North Atlantic Treaty Organization


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D.the North Atlantic Treaty Organization." According to the agreement would the United States have to declare war against any nation that attacked Great Britain is that D.the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

D.the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO was an agreement by member nations to defend one another in the case of an attack.

NATO was created in 1949 and was an agreement between the US and 11 European nations. The defensive agreement brought together the western powers and was meant to protect the countries. The pact threatened the USSR and they responded with a defensive pact called the Warsaw Pact.

If the Constitution were up for ratification today, who do you think would win more support – the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Why?


federalist because that way they could do what ever they wanted with the government because there is no way that they would be opposed by the constitution. 

Final answer:

The question whether Federalists or Anti-Federalists would gain more support if the Constitution were up for ratification today is theoretical, and would depend on current judgments concerning power balance, individual rights, state sovereignty, and central government effectiveness. Historically, the Constitution was ratified with the promise of a Bill of Rights, satisfying both Federalist and Anti-Federalist concerns. Modern understandings of these ideologies and the Constitution are complex, as it represents a blend of both philosophies and changes according to societal needs.


If the Constitution was up for ratification today, deciding whether the Federalists or Anti-Federalists would win more support is purely speculative and would depend on the priorities of the present-day populous. Federalists historically sought a strong central government for national defense and economic growth, seeing it as beneficial to society, whereas Anti-Federalists feared the concentration of power in the hands of a few, arguing for protection of individual rights and state sovereignty.

Respecting the historical context, Federalists won ratification by promising the inclusion of a bill of rights which protected individual rights - an Anti-Federalist concern. In the present day, favorability towards Federalist or Anti-Federalist views could therefore largely depend on current perceptions about the balance of power, individual rights, state sovereignty, and the effectiveness of the central government.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to remember that these political ideologies correspond to the late 18th-century context and translating them directly to today may overlook complexities of modern socio-political structures. Regardless of theoretical support, the Constitution today is arguably a blend of both Federalist and Anti-Federalist ideals and remains a living document, evolving according to the needs and values of the society.

Learn more about Federalists vs Anti-Federalists here: