Cells with similar preferences are arranged closer together in the auditory cortex.


Answer 1
Answer: Cells with similar preferences are arranged closer together in the auditory cortex. That statement presented is True. Auditory cortex is in the temporal lobe. It processes auditory information in human and as well as other invertebrates. The neurons inside the auditory cortex are organized depends on the frequency of the sound.
Answer 2

Answer: TRUE for ED2020!! I just took the quiz, good luck!! stay safe and healthy!!

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Answer: Ionization  by the alpha particle seeds the formation of clouds where the particle has passed.

The inner atmosphere of a cloud chamber is composed of an easily ionizable gas, this means that little energy is required to extract an electron from an atom. This gas is maintained in the supercooling state, so that a minimum disturbance is enough to condense it in the same way as the water is frozen.  

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Fs + Fb - W = 0 ~(eq1) 
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Dividing both sides of equation by g: m (on scale) + (ρ x V) - m (block) = 0 ~(eq2) 
Given: V = volume of water displaced = 40% volume of the block = 0.40 x V (block) 
Substituting 0.40 x V (block) into ~(eq2): m (on scale) + (ρ x 0.40 x V (block)) - m (block) = 0 ~(eq3) where, m (on scale) = 5.6 g ρ = density of water at 20ºC = 0.99821 g/cm^3 m (block) = 50 g 
Substituting m (on scale), ρ and m (block) into ~(eq3): 5.6 g + (0.99821 g/cm^3 x 0.40 x V (block)) - 50 g = 0 ~(eq4) 
Simplifying ~(eq4) and solving for V (block): ==> 5.6 g + 0.399284 g/cm^3 x V (block) - 50 g = 0 ==> 0.399284 g/cm^3 x V (block) - 44.4 g = 0 ==> 0.399284 g/cm^3 x V (block) = 44.4 g ==> V (block) = 44.4 g / (0.399284 g/cm^3) ==> V (block) = 111.199 cm^3 
ρ (block) = density of block = m (block) / V (block) = 50 g / 111.199 cm^3 = 0.449644 g / cm^3 

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Kinetic energy is gained.

Potential energy is gained here as he swings.

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I hope I am not to late but diamond is the hardest

The hardest known natural material is diamond!!! Good luck :)