Which of the following family of chemicals kills cells or stunts proteins, which can interfere with how a plant grows?fungicide


Answer 1
Answer: A herbicide will interfere with plant growth.
Answer 2

Answer:  The correct answer is herbicide

Explanation:  This answer has been confirmed correct.

Herbicides are designed to interfere with plant growth to stop the spread of undesirable plants or weeds.

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B. DNA uses deoxyribose and RNA uses ribose.
C. DNA has adenine and RNA has thymine.
D. DNA has thymine and RNA has uracil.


The difference between DNA && RNA is 'DNA uses deoxyribose  and RNA  uses ribos ' 

So, your answer would have to be. B. DNA uses deoxyribose  and RNA use ribose"
DNA is a long polymer with deoxyriboses and phosphate backbone. Having four differentnitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.RNA is a polymer with a ribose and phosphate backbone. Fourdifferent nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil. maybe this helps

Which of the following selection pressures is responsible for the limited evolutionary changes experienced by alligators and other crocodilians?a.

stabilizing selection


directional selection


disruptive selection


high mutation rate


The answer is a. stabilizing selection. This is the correct answer because genetic phenotype's among alligators and crocodiles were conserved during the evolution of the species. The reptiles have very little phenotypic variation or difference in physical traits, which would is the result of a stabilizing genetic selection process.




I was taking the test earlier

Darwin hypothesized that there are definite steps to natural selection. Consider the model here. Use the Roman numerals (I - III) to guide you through the steps. Which is an accurate description of Darwin's hypothesized theory of natural selection? A) Sexual reproduction of bacteria cause variation. Some bacteria survive and some do not. Over time all of the bacteria should become extinct. B) In any population, variation exists. Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. Most bacteria die, but the bacteria that are resistant survive and reproduce. C) In a population of bacteria that are exposed to antibiotics, some bacteria change their genetic make-up and survive. The new genetic make-up is passed on to offspring. D) There is a change in the environment: an antibiotic is added. Some of the bacteria are capable of changing to the new environment. They survive and reproduce, passing along their favorable traits.


Answer: Option D

Explanation: Natural selection come into action when some change takes place in the environment which affects the survival of the organism. Here the change is addition of antibiotics. So the bacterial cells which were able to adapt to the change, they survived and rest were killed. These resistant bacterial cells would pass on the genes to next generation and gradually population of resistant bacteria would increase.

I believe the answer is b

Cell growth occurs in interphase or mitosis?


Cell growth occurs in interphase.

The cell cycle is composed of interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. It can be described in five steps.

The first three steps of the cell cycle are called the interphase. This is where the cell grows, the cell matures, and where the cell carries out its life function. The fourth step is mitosis and the fifth step is cytokinesis.

The interphase has three stages. These are Gap 1, synthesis, and Gap 2.

Gap 1 or growth 1 - where the cell grows and functions normally. Cell growth is twice its original size.

Synthesis - where cell duplicates its DNA

Gap 2 or growth 2 - where cell resumes its growth in preparation for division.

Ovaries are about 5 inches in size.


3 to 5 cm is your answer
they are 
3-5 centimeters

Which describes how proteins are used in mating by Japanese beetles? A.Male and female beetles combine proteins to form offspring. B.Proteins allow beetles to produce more ribosomes. C.Males use a protein to detect pheromones sent by females. D.Lipids are stored in proteins and used for reproduction.


The answer is C. Pheromones are hormones (which are proteinous) produces by individuals of the same species and are a means to send communication signals for social interactions. They signal alarm, food and even sex. Sex pheromones are  released by females beetles into the environment to signal their availability for mating. The pheromones are picked up by receptors on the male beetles and this is how they find the females.  

I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option C. Proteins are used in mating by Japanese beetles by detecting pheromones sent by the female beetles. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.