What term is defined as mathematical equations based on rules of physics


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is scientific laws. Laws vary from scientific theories in that they do not postulate an explanation of occurrences: they are simply refinements of the outcomes of recurrent observation. As such, a law is partial in applicability to conditions like those previously experimental, and may be create false when inferred.

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Re-posting some old information I found on this website

When a fungus infects a body, it attacks the host by destroying and often taking over cells. When a person has an allergic reaction (to anything) the substance triggers the body to send histamines and excess water to the affected area, swelling and closing the area to prevent infection. - Answer Provided by ChaoticPiece

This is a radio astronomy observatory located on the Plains of San Agustin consisting of twenty-seven independent antennas, each of which has a dish diameter of 25 meters.



Jansky Very Large Array


It Is most powerful telescope on Earth and  is located on the plains of San Agustin near Socorro, New Mexico, US. This telescope consist of 25 antennas whose collective ares is equal to a single 430 foot antenna. The angular resolution is equal to an antenna of 22 miles in diameter.  It is also possible to adjust its arms to change its resolutions. There is receiver in each antenna that can operate from wavelength range of 4 mm to 7 metres. National Radio Astronomy Observatory is in charge of this telescope.

scientists group organisms into kingdoms by looking at specific characteristics. which is a characteristic of a carrot plant


Your answer would be eukaryotic.

On edgen.uity the answer should be eukaryotic :) Hope this helps you out .

Why is death by predators more natural or "right" then death by starvation?


It is beneficial because when animals perish to death they suffer and get weaker. if they die by a predator they don't suffer plus its the circle of life, and apart of the food chains. a connection between predators and prey that is good and essential. the predator needs the animal as food to endure, if the animal simply dies of hunger you finish up with the equivalent result, only the predator won't be fed. Beginning predation to help with the “balance of nature” supports present a more direct influence on the population size.