Essay about Bill of Rights


Answer 1

The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. James Madison wrote the amendments, which list specific prohibitions on governmental power, in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties. For example, the Founders saw the ability to speak and worship freely as a natural right protected by the First Amendment. Congress is prohibited from making laws establishing religion or abridging freedom of speech. The Fourth Amendment safeguards citizens’ right to be free from unreasonable government intrusion in their homes through the requirement of a warrant.

The Bill of Rights was strongly influenced by the Virginia Declaration of Rights, written by George Mason. Other precursors include English documents such as the Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the English Bill of Rights, and the Massachusetts Body of Liberties.

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--- Hope that helps you!! :D

Which best defines the phrase "end of the Cold War"? A.
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The End of Cold War means a period of tension and rivalry between communist nations and noncommunist nations ends.
Because the cold war was centered around the U.S.A. and the Soviet union not directly fighting but them using small countries as pawns in the fight.  So that means that the countries (US and Soviet Union) were no longer fighting and the tension was over.

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  1. The Crown of Castille was seeking for an alternative commercial route that would connect them to Far East Asia. The Expedition to the Americas was in fact, an expedition to find this route.
  2. The Crown of Castille was promised by Columbus that he would conquer the lands he discovered in the name of that Crown. This was highly appealing to the Royal Couple as many riches could be located in these soon to be found territories.

The correct answer is B) riches and the spread of Catholicism.

The two main reasons Spain sent expeditions to the Americas were riches and the spread of Catholicism.

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The other options of the question were A) religious freedom and wealth. C) more land and democracy. D) democracy and to spread Catholicism.

If you are black but light skin how long should you be outside to get darker?


You can't the most you can do is get dehydrated