Explain the overall impact of the spread of islam


Answer 1

The spread of Islam, from its heartland in the Middle East and North Africa to India and Southeast Asia, revealed the power of the religion and its commercial and sometimes military attributes.

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Among the successes of the U.N. are the maintenance of peace.  Despite the eruption of conflict, it still manages to preserve the universal peace wherein it would not lead to a full scale global conflict.  It has provided many humanitarian missions around the world.  It has also apprehended war criminals and tried them for crimes against humanity. It has provided food for areas where people are starving due to lack of food.  It also has its share of failures such preventing the ethnic cleansing campaigns in Bosnia and Rwanda.  There was the oil for food scandal where food was provided and paid in cash but it went to the hands of private individuals.    It is more successful in humanitarian missions because it has the support of the countries concerned as well as the international community.  It has difficulty in military security because it cannot intervene through military might.because it would be pulled into the conflict.

Spartan life mainly focused on


Spartan life mainly focused on the military. Boys left for military training at a very young age and stayed there for many years. They were given harsh punishment and encouraged to do behaviors that would help them survive in real live. Girls were forced to marry men a lot older then themselves, and procreation was just a method of filling army ranks.

Why did Albert Einstein leave Germany? A. because his scientific experiments were continually disproved B. because he was a member of the then out-of-power Nazi party C. because his work visa had expired and he was unable to acquire a new one D. because of increasing anti-Semitism in Germany, including an assassination attempt


In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to model the large-scale structure of the universe. He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 and, being Jewish, did not go back toGermany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences.

The answer to this problem is answer choice D,)

Given the conditions described during trench warfare and on Iwo Jima, why would soldiers continue to fight ?


Given the conditions described during trench warfare and on Iwo Jima, The soldiers continued to fight for the sake of Honor. They can't just turn back and leave the threat of the countries win without a fight, so they continued to fight despite of the harsh condition

What city is the setting of the first of two Pulitzer Prize-winning plays by the man who introduced us to Blanche and Brick?


Answer: New Orleans.


Blanche DuBois was the main character in Tennessee Williams' 1947 first time Pulitzer Prize-winning play A Streetcar Named Desire. In this play, Blanche is a southern woman who leaves her aristocratic environment seeking shelter with her sister and brother-in-law in a decaying New Orleans home.

Brick is a character from the play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, also awarded with a Pulitzer Prize in 1955.

The city is New Orleans

Which indigenous group was concentrated in mexico by the time the spaniards arrived?Hopi


Good Morning!
The indigenous group was Mexico before the arrival of the Europeans was called Aztec. These individuals constituted one of the most complex civilization centers in the Americas.

The indigenous group that was concentrated in Mexico by the time the Spaniards arrived was the Aztecs.

The Aztecs were a Mesoamerican people of Nahua affiliation that founded Mexico-Tenochtitlan and by the 15th century, in the late postclassic period, it became the center of one of the most extensive states known in Mesoamerica, located on an islet west of the lake Texcoco (on the islet sits the current Mexico City). Allied with other peoples of the lake valley basin -Tlacopan and Texcoco-, the Aztecs subdued several indigenous populations that settled in the center and south of the current territory of Mexico.