The Mandate of Heaven meant that the Chinese emperor


Answer 1
Answer: The Mandate of Heaven meant that the Chinese emperor had supreme and unchecked power of the Chinese population, since this meant that he received his power to rule from God. 

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Read the sentence below and answer the following question: If that was a disagreement, then Mount Everest is an ant hill and the Mississippi River is a trickle. Which answer correctly summarizes the meaning of this sentence? A sarcastic statement suggesting the argument was not bad at all A satirical statement describing the subject of the argument An ironic statement suggesting that something loud can also be small An understatement describing a bad argument using an analogy


The correct answer is D) an understatement describing a bad argument using an analogy.

The answer that correctly summarizes the meaning of the sentence is "an understatement describing a bad argument using an analogy."

The understatement here is that it presents something less or minor, or not better as, compared to the original idea. The expression was "if that was a disagreement, then Mount Everest is an ant hill and the Mississippi River is a trickle. So the expression refers to an exaggeration or an argument used incorrectly when an analogy was present.

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a fetus


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The main reason why imperial nations built large naval forces was to "to protect their economic interests" since the longer the reach of a nation, the more vulnerable it was. 

the answer would be B to demonstrate their size and prowess.

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Conquestors such as FerdinandMagellan for example, wanted to prove that the Earth was indeed round. And ChristopherColumbus (1450-1506)is an Italian crusader who is tasked to look for Asia from Europe starting onthe west direction. His conquests during 15th to 20thcentury in Asia, Australia, United States and Atlantic made new discoveries andcolonies crediting him as the explorer of the ‘New World’ or the ‘Age ofDiscovery’. His conquests were very much celebrated however there also negativeeffects on the system instilled on the newly-discovered places such as slavery,diseases, illiteracy, rape and death.The Ptolemaic theory of the universe wasdisproved by Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), letter C and followed by JohannesKepler (1571–1630). Geocentrictheory suggested that the Sun and moon orbited Earth, and the rest of theplanets orbited the Sun is Heliocentric theory. Heliocentric theory of NicolausCopernicus during the Scientific Revolution on 17th and 18thcentury while Geocentric theory was proposed by Ptolemy (AD 150) and Aristotle.Today, we believe more on the Heliocentric theory and it has been proven aswell.