Unlike in the western roman empire, most people in the byzantine empire spoke


Answer 1

Answer:  Greek

I might add a little detail to this.  Ever since the conquests of Alexander the Great  in the 4th century BC, the Meditarranean world in general experienced "Hellenization." Or we might call it "Greekification."  The koine (that is "common") Greek language became a common language throughout the lands where Alexander had cast his influence.  When the Romans took over those lands, Greek remained a commonly spoken language.  So Latin was the official language of the Roman empire and Romans themselves were native Latin speakers.  But Greek had become the language of international commerce.  When the New Testament was written in the early AD era, it was written in Greek for that reason.  

So, in the Western Roman Empire, Latin remained spoken, but with Greek spoken alongside it.  In the Eastern (or Byzantine) empire, Greek was predominantly spoken, while Latin remained known by educated persons, especially in government.  And Greek did become the official language of the Byzantine Empire by the time of emperor Justinian.  Justinian's famous law code, the Corpus Iurus Civilis ("Body of Civil Law") was published in both Greek and Latin editions.

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Compare Roosevelt's victory in 1940 with his victory in 1936. In what respect did he lose ground?


This question is incomplete, here´s the complete question.  

Compare Roosevelt's victory in 1940 with his victory in 1936. In what respect did he lose ground?

White people stopped voting for him

Lost ground with eastern industrial workers

Lost ground in farming stats like the Midwest and the great plains

Didn't get as many minority votes

Answer: Lost ground in farming stats like the Midwest and the great plains


While in 1936 Roosevelt had won in every state but Maine and Vermont, in the 1940 presidential election his margins were less decisive than in previous elections.

Labor unions, urban political organizations, and ethnic minorities were still favoring him, but eight states from the Midwest and Great Plains, mostly agricultural areas, shifted their votes from Roosevelt to Wendell Willkie, the Republican Candidate.

There were 7 times were so intense any change was better. Hoover was faulted and well he ought to be. The Republican approach was given the dejection a chance to consume itself out. We can get by with what we have

How many capitals are in the united states


The answer to this question is 50.                                                                       
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