After granting trading rights to the Dutch, China allowed them to


Answer 1
Answer: The allow them to enter the forbidden City without special permission
Answer 2

Answer: set up trading posts at ports in China.


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b. False


Yes, it is true that the French and Indian War was the final colonial war between France and England, since this ended with mostly a British victory in which they acquired more land. 




I took the test

The break-up of the soviet union has seen nothing but peace since world leaders organized the different regions into countries based on ethnicity


This is false. Since the soviet union broke and eastern Europe got destabilized, numerous wars were fought regarding ethnicity and religion. Many of them are still being fought today as some people don't have independence, while some fight because they want to control certain areas of the land.

Which of the following contributed to the global economic crisis during the Great Depression?a. Postwar reparations led to hyperinflation and economic collapse in Germany.
b. In an attempt to repay war debt, America printed more currency than could be supported.
c. European nations that borrowed from America after World War 1 defaulted on loans.
d. The U.S. government slowed economic growth by heavily regulating the stock market.


A. Postwar reparations led to hyperinflation and economic collapse in Germany.
After WWl, the Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay for all of the damage done during the war because they were blamed as the sole cause of the WWl. This caused Germany to experience an economic collapse  because the couldn't pay off the reparations. Hitler later came along and promised to pull Germans out of their depression by having them join the army and promising them a glorious Third Reich that would last 1,000 years.

Which action increased the tensions between the north and south that led to the civil war?


The main issue that started the Civil War was the slave trade. The North didn't think African Americans should automatically be slaves and thought owning slaves was morally wrong. However, the South disagreed and believed African Americans were lesser beings and therefore should be enslaved. The slave legislation was probably the action that increased the tensions the most.

a. The dred scott decision

Why is Senator Joseph McCarthy famous? a. He ran against President Truman in the 1948 election as the candidate of the anti-civil rights Dixiecrat Party.
b. He negotiated an agreement that established the state of Israel in the British-controlled territory of Palestine.
c. He worked closely with both political parties and both houses of Congress to pass the G.I. Bill of Rights.
d. He held congressional hearings that falsely accused hundreds of Americans of alleged communist sympathies.


Senator Joseph McCarthy was famous mainly because (b.) he negotiated an agreement that established the state of Israel in the British-controlled territory of Palestine. Joseph McCarthy served as a senator from the state of Wisconsin and became the first visible face of the Cold War.


He negotiated an agreement that established the state of Israel in the British-controlled territory of Palestine.


If you eat pine nuts, berries, and salmon as part of your diet, you likely live in which region?


If you eat pine nuts, berries, and salmon as part of your diet, you likely live in the "Pacific Northwest," since this is where all of these items can be found (generally speaking). 

Final answer:

If pine nuts, berries, and salmon are staples in your diet, you likely live in the Pacific Northwest region, known for its rich resources, diverse marine life, and high 'carrying capacity' of land relying on abundant food sources.


If the main components of your diet are pine nuts, berries, and salmon, you likely live in the Pacific Northwest region. This region is known for its rich natural resources and diverse marine life, where societies have adapted over time to utilize available resources for survival. Foods such as salmon, a variety of fish species, and other game like beaver and elk, as well as nuts and berries gathered from the forest, contribute significantly to the diet of people living in this region.

Settlements here were largely formed around these abundant resources. It is a region with a dense population and complex societal hierarchy, due mostly to the high 'carrying capacity' - reliable and plentiful food sources translating into a large population. Thus, going back to your diet - pine nuts, berries, and salmon are strongly suggestive of residency in the Pacific Northwest.

Learn more about Pacific Northwest here:
