What body systems are involved in excretion of wastes? A) integumentary, muscular, nervous, digestive B) respiratory, circulatory, digestive, muscular C) digestive, muscular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory D) integumentary, digestive, respiratory, urinary, circulatory


Answer 1


The correct option is D


Integumentary system consists of organs including the skin which is used in the excretion of sweat.

Digestive system consists of organs including the tongue, pancrease, gallbladder and liver. The liver for example regulates toxic substances in the body and excretes a substance known as bile.

Respiratory system consists of organs including the lungs which is used to breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

Urinary system consists of the kidneys, urethra, bladder and ureters; they are involved in the excretion of urine.

Circulatory system consists of the blood, the blood vessels and heart. The circulatory system also assists in the removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

Answer 2

Answer: D


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When is heat positive or negative? I need it please help me


I may be wrong, but I really don't think there's any such thing as
negative or positive heat.  Heat is one of the forms of energy, so
it can never pop up out of nowhere, and it can never disappear. 
Like all energy, heat just moves from place to place.  If it flows
out of one thing, then it flows into something else. So I don't think
it's ever correct to say that the heat that's over there, or the heat
that's moving from here to there, is positive or negative.

1. Read each description below. Choose the force diagram (free-body diagram) that best represents the description. The forces are acting on the object in red type. You may neglect the effects of air resistance. A. Mindy's Christmas tree ornament hangs motionless on a tree.
B. Corey's Christmas tree ornament is falling to the floor.
C. A ball thrown by Ginger is moving upward through the air.
D. A ball dropped by Melissa is falling downward toward the floor.
E. Matt's book is motionless on a table.
F. A ball that was thrown upward by Yvonne is at the top of its path.

For each statement, please choose a diagram representing the force on the object. (Diagrams are in the attachment)


A. Mindy's Christmas tree ornament hangs motionless on a tree. --- Diagram C
B. Corey's Christmas tree ornament is falling to the floor. 
--- Diagram A
C. A ball thrown by Ginger is moving upward through the air. 
--- Diagram B
D. A ball dropped by Melissa is falling downward toward the floor. 
--- Diagram A
E. Matt's book is motionless on a table. 
--- Diagram C
F. A ball that was thrown upward by Yvonne is at the top of its path 
--- Diagram A.

Final answer:

Free-body diagrams are tools to visualize external forces on an object, drawn as a point. Each scenario given (hanging ornament, falling ornament, moving and dropped balls, book on a table, and ball at top of its path) will have a unique diagram with forces like gravity, tension, and normal force labeled as vectors, and x/y components shown if necessary.


In physics, a free-body diagram is a graphical representation used to visualize the forces acting on an object. To correctly create a free-body diagram, follow these steps:

  • Draw the object as a point, especially when considering it as a particle.
  • Label all the external forces acting on the object with vector arrows.
  • Resolve each force into its x and y components if necessary for analysis.
  • Create separate diagrams for each object if multiple objects are involved.

Each scenario provided in the question will have a different free-body diagram:

  1. Mindy's Christmas tree ornament: It's stationary, with two forces in balance: gravitational force (weight) pulling down and the tension in the string pulling up.
  2. Corey's Christmas tree ornament: Only one force, gravitational force, is acting on it as it falls.
  3. Ginger's ball moving upward: Two forces here - gravitational force pulling down and the initial upward force while it moves up.
  4. Melissa's dropped ball: Similar to B, only gravitational force acts on it.
  5. Matt's book on a table: Gravitational force pulls it down while the normal force from the table supports it from below.
  6. Yvonne's ball at the top of its path: Though motionless at this instant, the only force acting on it is gravity.

Note, while drawing a free-body diagram, do not include net forces or internal forces.

When using a moveable pulley to lift an object, _______ of the object's weight is supported by the section of rope attached to the ceiling. This is why a moveable pulley requires _______ effort force than a fixed pulley to lift an object. A. half, less B. all, less C. half, more D. all, more





What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure?


The instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure is called a Barometer. 
A "Barometer" is used to measure atmospheric pressure

Hope this helps!

A can cause a driver to take risky chances or make bad choices


-- loud radio
-- heavy rain
-- girl friend in the car
-- misguided sense of privilege or importance
-- misguided sense of immortality

The law of suggests that the orbit of planets is not circular but .



Kepler's first law suggests that the orbit of planets is not circular but elliptical


The three Kepler's laws explain the motion of the planets orbiting the Sun:

- The first law tells that the orbits of the planets around the Sun are ellipses, with the Sun located at one of the two focii

- The second law tells that a line connecting the Sun with the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal amounts of time

- The third law tells that the square of the orbital periods of the planets is proportional to the cube of their average distance from the Sun

As we can read, the first law tells us that the orbit of the planets is not circular, but elliptical.