Why is making a peanut pretzel and cereal mixture is chemical


Answer 1
Answer: It is actually a Physical Change  because of the mixture in both of them your not combining them Hope This Helps:)

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Which atom has the largest atomic radius?(1) potassium (3) francium
(2) rubidium (4) cesium


Answer is: 3) francium.

The atomic radius of a chemical element is a measure of the size of its atom.

The atomic radius varies with increasing atomic number, but usually increases because of increasing of number of electrons.

Potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), ceasium (Cs) and francium (Fr) are in group 1 (the alkali metals) of the periodic tabl.

The atomic radius increases down the group of Periodic table and francium is on the bottom of the group 1 with highest atomic number.

Final answer:

The atom with the largest atomic radius among potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium is francium, due to it being furthest down the group of alkali metals.


The atomic radius increases as we move down a group on the periodic table. This is because the number of energy levels increases, which causes the electron cloud to expand. Hence, in this case, the largest atomic radius would belong to francium, as it is the furthest down the group of alkali metals (which includes potassium, rubidium, and cesium).

Learn more about Atomic Radius here:



Why do we ignore noble gases usually when we discuss electronegativity values?


Because they don’t have charges

What really is the Ebola virus?


The Ebola virus belongs to a family of viruses termed Filoviridae. Filovirus particles form long sometimes branched filaments of varying shapes, as well as shorter filaments , and may measure up to 14,000 nanometers in length with diameter of 80 nanometers.Viral particles contain one molecule of single stranded RNA enveloped in a lipid membrane. New viral particle bud from the surface of their host cell. Although Ebola virus was only discovered in 1976, it is an ancient virus and is thought to have split from other viruses thousands of years ago.

The Ebola virus is a highly infectious and often deadly viral disease that belongs to the Filoviridae family.

It was first identified in 1976 during two simultaneous outbreaks in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire). The virus is named after the Ebola River, near the location of the Congolese outbreak.

Ebola is transmitted to humans through direct contact with the blood, bodily fluids, or tissues of infected animals, such as fruit bats, monkeys, or gorillas. It can then spread from person to person through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs, or other bodily fluids of infected individuals.

Ebola causes severe symptoms, including high fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, and internal and external bleeding. The disease has a high fatality rate, ranging from 25% to 90%, depending on the strain of the virus and the healthcare resources available.

To learn more about the Ebola virus



Why do you think the location surrounding the pacific ocean is known as the ring of fire


It is on a plate boundary so there are a lot of volcanoes in that area. All the volcanoes form a "ring" around the plate boundary.

How many types of nomenclature in the features of organic chemistry? What are they?



there are two types of nomenclature used in organic system. the most widely used and universally accepted system of nomenclature is the IUPAC system of nomenclature. some compounds are referred to by their common name that existed before the IUPAC system or is more widely known than the IUPAC names.


IUPAC ( international union of pure and applied chemistry) system of nomenclature is used to name compounds in organic system. there are some principles to be followed while using this nomenclature. some of them are:-

1) identification of parent chain is the first step. the longest hydrocarbon chain is the parent chain.

2) identification of all the substituent groups of the parent chain is also required.

3) hydrocarbon cyclic ring has a fixed prefix and  that is cyclo.

What are some examples of Radiation?


Examples of Everyday Radiation
Non-ionizing Radiation
Visible light
Infrared light
Near ultraviolet light
Low frequency waves
Radio waves
Waves produced by mobile phones
A campfire's heat
Thermal radiation
Extremely low frequency waves (3 - 30 Hz)
Very low frequency waves (3-30 kHz)
Power lines
Strong magnets
Light bulbs
Light from the sun
Remote controls
Cordless phones
Radio-frequency radiation such as televisions, FM and AM radio
Shortwave and CB's
Computer screens
Infrared lamps use to maintain food temperature in restaurants
Ionizing Radiation
Ultraviolet light
Radioactive decay's particles
Cosmic rays
Alpha rays
Beta rays
Medical imaging equipment
Ionization of food
Sterilization of medical tools
Nuclear power production
Metal mining can result in exposure to ionizing radiation
Coal mining and power production from coal
Nuclear weapons
Galactic Cosmic Radiation (to which astronauts are exposed)
Solar Particle Event radiation (to which astronauts may be exposed)
Natural background radiation
Radiation therapy for specific forms of cancer
CT scans
Nuclear medical scans
Airport security scanners (in extremely high usage)
examples of radiation would be:

ultraviolet light from the sun.

heat from a stove burner.

light from a candle.

x-rays from an x-ray machine.
alpha particles emitted from the radioactive decay of uranium.