What are the thin fibers of the human nervous system called?a. nerves
b. brain
c. spinal cord
d. eye


Answer 1

The thin fibers of the human nervous system are called nerves. These fibers emanate from the brain and the spinal cord and branch to every part of the body. They convey impulses of sensation, motion, pain, etc and basically are responsible of transmitting signals between the brain or spinal cord and all other parts of the body. They are a critical part of the Nervous system.  

Answer 2
Answer: Those fibres are called nerves. Nerves are what causes us to feel anything we touch and can sense temperature as well.

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C) He believed Iraq had WMDs that Hussein might give to terrorists.


C is indeed correct on edge


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Answer: Bartering

Definition: to trade a commodity in exchange of another


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i hope this helps


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At the end of the Middle Ages, mainly during the15th century, merchants, artisans, and bankers from the North of Italy became very wealthy thanks to the connection to the Eastern trade routes that they had access to after the Crusades. They took advantage of their strategical position to exchange mainly spices, silk, gold, and other goods from the Middle East, India, and China and sell them to the rest of Europe. All this wealth granted them independence from feudal lords and from the Church and gave them a great economic and political power. They used this independence and power to satisfy their curiosity and their taste for fine arts.

Therefore, many families of bankers and merchants, like the Medici of Florence, became patrons of artists and scientists, who developed a totally new current of art and a new philosophical perspective. Architects like Brunelleschi, painters and sculptors like Michelangelo, and scientists and engineers like Leonardo Da Vinci, were inspired by the ancient Greek and Roman splendor in philosophy and arts in order to create a new artistic and humanistic movement: the Renaissance.

At the same time, the Renaissance was boosted by the marvels they got from the trade with Eastern markets: Arab astrolabes that allowed them to improve the navigation of the seas; gunpowder from China that permitted them to create new weapons; Persian medicine treaties; and inks to paint fine clothes, among other stuff. The Renaissance was the last period of the Middle Ages and the first stage of the modern era.

How did the tiananmen massacar affect the Chinese economy


The Tiananmen massacre generally had a negative effect the Chinese economy, since the harsh Chines government crackdown led to international sanctions. 

Answer: In and of itself, the Tiananmen crisis did not have a large impact on the Chinese. economy. Economic growth dropped sharply in the wake of the crisis (1989-90), but as Figure 10.1 shows, the economy bounced back quickly and even made up for lost time during the over-heated years of 1992-93.
