What benefits can be derived from consuming blueberries, nuts, spinach, oats, and beans?


Answer 1
Answer: they are good source in minerals and vitamins
Answer 2
Answer: being healthy because i think that they are some kind of fruit or vegetable

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Which sentence uses the semicolon correctly? Jane was tired of living an unassuming life; in the suburbs She was also very curious to learn; and have new experiences. However; all her attempts were in vain. She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another.


"She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another". A semicolon is used to link two independent clauses that relate to the same idea.


She had made up her mind; she was going to travel the world one way or another". A semicolon is used to link two independent clauses that relate to the same idea.


I have to write a poem for english class and I need some help because my teacher won't reply to my messages.What is a 'Free Verse' poem? Is it just like a paragraph, or a couple of sentences, that are meaningful? Could it end up look more like a quote then a poem?


A free verse poem just means it doesn't follow any particular structure of rhyme, parallelism ect. It could be either or in terms of it being a few sentences or a paragraph it depends on what was asked of you. Some poems are extremely short so it could look like a quote but to be safe id go for longer. 

Identify the appositive phrase.
Her car, a small two-door model, served her needs well.


The appositive phrase here is "a small two-door model".

You can recognize it easily because it is separated by commas and used to further describe the subject, in this case the car.

Which of the following statements describes French service? A. Guests help themselves from a buffet table.
B. The appropriate silver is placed before each course.
C. Music is provided during the first course.
D. The host serves the guests from the head of the table.


The correct answer is A. Guests help themselves from a buffet table. This is however a changed version of the original French service which changed over the years. All of the food is presented at the same time and the people choose whatever they wish to eat.