Identification and magnification are two techniques of epideictic speech.


Answer 1
Answer: Identification and magnification are two techniques of epideictic speech. The correct answer is True. Epideictic Speech is also known as ceremonial oratory or praise and blame rhetoric. It is one of the three branches of rhetoric that is outlined in Aristotle's Rhetoric.

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A technique of taking an audience back in time during the action of a play is called flashback.




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A writer can revise the/with rebuttal by trying to picture what the other side of your claim might say in their essay.
For example,
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I could revise the rebuttal by writing, "Some may want to ban chocolate milk, but studies show that chocolate milk has the same 9 essential nutrients foind in regular milk, too."
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"The passage that indicates that Gregor’s health and faculties are starting to decline is - Actually from day to day he perceived things with less and less clarity, even those a short distance away: the hospital across the street, the all too frequent sight of which he had..."

This passage is from Franz Kaf-ka's book Meta-morphosis. Metamorphosis is a novel-la written by Franz Kaf-ka wh-ich was first pub-lished in 1915. One of Kaf-ka's best-known wor-ks, Meta-morphosis tells the story of sales-man Gregor Samsa, who wakes one morn-ing to find him-self inexplicably trans-formed into a huge insect & subse-quently struggles to ad-just to this new condition.

To know more about Metamorphosis click below:


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "Actually from day to day he perceived things with less and less clarity, even those a short distance away: the hospital across the street, the all too frequent sight of which he had previously cursed..."

Which character type allows the reader to see what the main character is really like through his or her interactions with the main character?A. Protagonist
B. Foil
C. Flat Character
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B. Foil
B because in fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character.

Read the following sentence carefully, then choose the part of speech that corresponds to the underlined word. Unicyclists and bicyclists often enjoy being outdoors.


The underlined word and is a conjunction.
Conjunctions are used to connect words and sentences, and in this case, and connects unicyclists and bicyclists.