People may have chosen to become sedentary because _____.


Answer 1

Regarding ancient times when nomad tribes abounded, people would choose to become sedentary (establish their lives in one place) once determining the environmental conditions, security, and food availability were suitable for their taste.

Nomad tribes are compelled to hunt and gather on their endless journey for sustenance. Once learning agriculture and animal husbandry techniques to apply in a suitable environment, these tribes are able to settle in one place and concentrate on the prosperity of their new civilization.

Answer 2
Answer: Farming produced a surplus of food for the lean times including winter. Surplus food meant others could learn different occupations. Larger groups could now live together, which made life safer. 

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Louis XVIII became king of France after Napoleon was exiled.


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Hope this helps :)


Question-after 1081 ,what was the byzantine being weakened by?

Answer- The Byzantine Empire held the capital Constantinople which was the center of trade at hat time. So everyone wanted it including the Ottamans. Due to the fast spreading islam the turkish army the Ottamans were able to conqure the capital and this caused the Byzantine Empire to collapse.

All of the following statements about judicial review are TRUE except:A.
The 1803 case of Marbury v. Madison established judicial review.
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall’s ruling established judicial review.
Judicial review is specifically referred to and spelled out in the Constitution.
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All of the following statements about judicial review are true except judicial review is specifically referred to and spelled out in the Constitution. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option "C".