Th e allusions in lines 13–14 illustrate(A) the speaker’s sanguinity
(B) the speaker’s predicament
(C) the speaker’s fantasy
(D) the speaker’s knowledge
(E) the speaker’s solution

Passage 5. William Wordsworth, “Th e world is too much with us”
Th e world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers:
Little we see in nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
Th is Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
Th e Winds that will be howling at all hours
And are up-gathered now like sleeping fl owers;
For this, for every thing, we are out of tune;
It moves us not—Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus coming from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathed horn.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is letter (B) the speaker’s predicament. The allusions in lines 13–14 illustrate that the speaker is in predicament moment. It is when he is looking for solutions to problems brought by disrespectful handling of nature that at the end, it is himself who will going to suffer.

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Please can come with different sorts of prefixes, such as "un", "out", "over", "self" and "well".

Examples: "This was an unpleasant surprise". In this sentence we have the prefix "un", meaning that this wasn't a pleasant surprise, that it was a negative surprise.

"You really shouldn't overplease your daughter". In this sentence the prefix "over" shows that not only do the parents please their daughter, but they also please her in a high degree.

A prefix refers to the group of letters that can be added in the beginning of a root word that may or may not change the meaning of the new word. Some of the examples of prefixes are un & dis that means not, mis that means wrong or wrongly, sub that means under, pre that means before in time and a lot more. Some examples of root words with prefixes are the following, undisclosed, dishonest, misspell, subway, prenuptial and others.

I have 4 questions on which progressive or emphatic verb tenses are used. 1. Jake has been mowing the lawn for two hours now.
a) present progressive
b) past perfect progressive
c) past progressive
d) present perfect progressive

2. They had been camping in the area when the forest fire began.
a) present progressive
b) past perfect progressive
c) past progressive
d) present perfect progressive

3. Kalman had been sleeping throughout the memorable day.
a) present progressive
b) past perfect progressive
c) past progressive
d) present perfect progressive

4. As of next month, my best friend and I will have known each other for twelve years.
a) present progressive
b) past perfect progressive
c) past progressive
d) present perfect progressive



1- d) present perfect progressive

Explanation: It is about an action which started in the past and continues up to the present. Plus, the structure "subject+ auxiliary verb (has)+ verb to be in past participle (been)+ verb in gerund shows the verb tense that is being used.

2- b) past perfect progressive

Explanation: It is about an action which was already going on when a certain thing happened, "interrupting" it. Plus, the structure "subject+ auxiliary verb (had)+ verb to be in past participle (been)+ verb in gerund shows the verb tense that is being used.

3- b) past perfect progressive

Explanation: It is about an action which was already going on when a certain thing happened, "interrupting" it. Plus, the structure "subject+ auxiliary verb (had)+ verb to be in past participle (been)+ verb in gerund shows the verb tense that is being used.

4- none of the alternatives; it is a sentence in future perfect tense.

Explanation: it expresses the idea of something that will have been completed at a certain point in the future. Plus, the structure "subject+simple future of verb to have+ past participle of the main verb shows the verb tense that is being used.

In "The Most Dangerous Game," Sanger Rainsford says "I am a hunter, not a murderer" when he finds out that Zaroff hunts humans. Based on this statement, what can be inferred about Rainsford's ideas?


Rainsford does not hold human life on the same level as animal life. For Rainsford hunting is a sport or a means to gain food, not a mere even to simply kill for the love of killing. 

Zaroff's ideas counter this in that Zaroff has progressed to the point where killing humans, the most intelligent beings, has become a sport to him. 

The bottom line is that the two men have different world views which influence their actions. 

The answers are :  

Rainsford believes killing humans is murder but has no problem killing animals.  

Rainsford believes Zaroff is a murderer because he hunts humans.

Identify the number of independent and subordinate clauses in the following group of words. When Janine does volunteer work, she feels a sense of joy and fulfillment


First of all a Independent clause consists of both a subject and a verb and can stand on it own and make a complete sentence. A subordinate clause is a dependent clause which too consists of a verb and a subject but does not stand on its own and isn't a complete sentence.

In this case the Independent clause is "She feels a sense of joy and fulfillment". The subject is "She" and the verb is "feels" and this can be a complete sentence.
"When Jamie does volunteer work" is the subordinate clause. The subject is "Jamie" and the verb is "does". Also, this is not a complete sentence.

So one independent clause and one subordinate clause.

Helpppp meeee solveeeee thissss
